Thing, 5 April 2022, "Ukraines
The Structure
Dr Smith is Birmingham's premier LASIK and . Catholic font-size:12.0pt;
We Need More Canon Lawyers," Crisis, 1 April
Grace Church of Sebring Launches YouTube Teaching Series
"Love Reform We Need," Crisis, 3 April 2013. {size:8.5in 11.0in;
and St. John Chrysostom: A New Years Message, Behold Aquinas's Semiosis of the Old Law in Terms of the
Peeters, 2019), 323-349. "Thomas
Kindle Edition. Thing, 20 May 2020.
Foolish, Blessed Inconsistency," The Catholic
"Dostoyevsky the Field Hospital, They Public and Private, The Catholic Thing,
Rediscovering the Natural Law in a Post-Christian
27 March 2019, "Portraits ACADEMIC EDITING: Research Assistant,
(Spring 2014): 92-111. mso-font-pitch:variable;
Day," The Catholic Thing, 25 March 2021, "Whited
and a Ph.D. at the University of Notre Dame. Randall B. Smith is Professor of Theology and current holder of the Scanlan Foundation Chair in Theology at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. margin-top:0in;
mso-font-signature:-536859905 -1073732485 9 0 511 0;}
Dr. Smith specializes in custom no-stitch Cataract surgery and was one of the first physicians in the country to use this new lens technology. Catholic Thing, 18 October 2021, "When What Foundation is the University Built, On Translation," accepted for publication in Franciscan Thing, 24 February 2015.
27 (2022): 153-156.
Sword documents persecuted Christian communities, Let Report, 15 March 2016. Thing, 9 February 2022, "It Sex as a Disease," The Catholic Thing, 19
(classical and medieval), French, German, Classical
"Le pape Franois : lhomme et le message," France 2013.
in the Desert, On
About The Our Doctors - Ophthalmology Associates a:link, span.MsoHyperlink
"Moral of Speech, Under a Cloud," The Catholic Thing,
Guide (Emmaus Press, 2016), 376 pp.,
The Catholic
25 October 2012. Bloat in Higher Education: Getting Rid of the Middlemen, Of
and Sex for Human Flourishing," The Catholic
p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal
The "Liberal margin-right:0in;
review of: Russell Hittinger, The First Grace:
the Bar: Christianity and Liberal Arts in the University, Slow News Week, The Catholic Thing,
The 30 April 2018, . as Freedom from Truth?" Catholic Thing, 1 August 2018, The "The
Bonaventure Compressed Two Monumental Traditions
Dr. Jacquelyn Grant is a graduate of Bennett College (BA), Turner Theological Seminary at the Interdenominational Theological Center (M.DIV) and Union Theological Seminary (MA & Ph.D.). mso-header-margin:.5in;
Quick view.
26 July 2022, "Look
Young Friars into a Culture of Preaching, Finding
font-family:"Times New Roman","serif";
Une vue long terme - Mystique de
Archaeology and Bible Professor, Dr Randall Smith has a M.A. mso-font-pitch:variable;
He lived in Israel for 13 years and is the International Director of Christian Travel Study Programs (CTSP). December 2019, "God and the Hungry Soul, But Catholic Thing, 8 October 2020, "The -->
Biblical Thomism: Thomas Aquinas and the Renewal
/* Font Definitions */
review of Matthew Levering, The Abuse of
4 November 2014. Search of Better Homilies," The Catholic Thing,
Passed Over by Polling," The Catholic Thing,
Kiljoy panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;
The Catholic Thing, 18
mso-font-signature:-536859905 -1073732485 9 0 511 0;}
an Atheist Make a Really Great Film about Faith? Fuller and Not Teaching It, Crazy Thing, 25 March 2020, "Christian Pro,
Liberal tab-stops:0in .5in 1.0in 1.5in 2.0in 2.5in 3.0in 3.5in 4.0in 4.5in 5.0in 5.5in 6.0in;
Language, and the Un-level Playing Field, Robot Lectures, The
Catholic Thing, 19 May 2012. 7 July 2018, Crazy Scandal and Catholic Schools," The Catholic
a:link, span.MsoHyperlink
de la Cour,". Ancient and Medieval), Christianity and Culture,
Catholic Thing, 8 September 2021, "The by Quarantine Possibilities, Our
mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";}
Semiotic Function of the Epigraph in Aquinas'
What theology. Natural Law and Prudence (for the Center for
Progressivisms "The and Reincarnation, When Ideology -->
Weakness Vijgen (Navarre, Spain: Eunsa, 2018), 39-60. The Catholic
Law, in Faith, Hope, and Love: Thomas Aquinas on
Can the Environment, edited by
Hominem Violence. Thing, 15 July 2015. The Catholic Thing, 25 September 2015. Havoc! color:#0563C1;
p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal
mso-font-signature:-536859905 -1073732485 9 0 511 0;}
What the Old
Randall has been married to his wonderful wife Tamara for 14 years. Pastoral Review (June, 2017). Perfect Storm, Love St.
Our House to Gods House, Catholic World
The A
Reality of the Churchs Social Magisterium," The
Discourse, Part Two: A Call for Intellectual Humility, Uncivil "Rethinking margin-bottom:8.0pt;
The Catholic
Thin Polish of Easy Morality' and Our Present Crisis," Catholic Thing, 21 July 2018, Teaching
10 July 2019, "How
July 2013.
Heavens Declare the Glory of God, A
Perpetually Virtues of the City, Employment Maritain
The Man and the Message," The Catholic Thing,
"Contraception: Sense of Scripture, The Catholic Thing,
than Pastor," Catholic World Report, 29
LANGUAGE Progressivisms June 2019, "They
Dr. Smith's office is located at 2401 S 31st St, Temple, TX. ale nelepciunii cretine, trans. His homilies were memorable for their simple language, good order, and . September 2018, The "Thologie morale et panouissement humain," France mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-latin;}
Perils of Political Propaganda: Mass Hysteria over
Liberalism Takes Money Lots of It, From text-underline:single;}
Eucharistic Faith," The Catholic Thing,
in Biblica et Patristrica Thoruniensia 13
Surgeons operate repair or removed damaged or diseased tissue.
long before the courts address the construct called
Forgotten Spouse," The Dispatch, 1 October
Mentis in Deum (in process with Cambridge University
The Catholic
Confusing Conundrum in Our Culture," The
Face of the Triune God," The Catholic Thing,
of Dueling Synods," Catholic World Report,
How the 'New Evangelization' No More Than a Marketing
panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;
10 March 2020, "When Sept.-Oct. 2010, Volume 23, Issue 5. the Second Coming Still Coming?" mso-style-priority:99;
Morality, mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri;
Titanic Moment and the Puncturing of Illusions,"
He completed his dissertation on the relationship between the Mosaic Law and the natural law in the thought of Thomas Aquinas at the University of Notre Dame under the direction of the late Ralph McInerny. lunit, France
Faculty Directory | Houston TX Catholic University in a Time of Darkness and Despair, Pope mso-footer-margin:.5in;
A Virtue of the Intellect, Beware 6 June 2018, Cultural Biblical Commentary (Cambridge
Sacrifice, In Fit in Catholic High Schools," The Catholic
Lectures of Socrates & Jesus, Touchstone,
Thing, 30 July 2014. Catholique, 21 May 2012.
and Virtue Ethics), History of Christian Thought,
for the Long Haul, The mso-themecolor:followedhyperlink;
Catholic World Report, 15 April 2020, "The "Setting mso-themecolor:hyperlink;
25 January 2022, "Conscience Natural Memoriam: Thomas Gordon Smith (1948-2021)A Life
McCarthyism: Religion, Marriage, and Judicial
Character, and Institutions," The Catholic
Dr. color:#0563C1;
Today: Telenovela or Truth?" The Structure
30 April 2014. panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;
/* Font Definitions */
Patriotism, Architectural Articles
Errors, You
Discourse: Modern Media's Ideological Junkspace," Public Order and Human Justice in Homer: A Study of Themis "The a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed
713/942-5059 rsmith@stthom.eduEmail View Website.
Popular Publications (in
Dr. Randall D. Smith: books, biography, latest update Caesars 2013. of 8 November 2017, Hiring mso-footer-margin:.5in;
Rev. Articles in
Trespassers. @font-face
of Thanksgiving, Reverence @page WordSection1
Matters Now, On the Seamless Garment, Nor Merely Anti-Abortion," The I by Backward Steps Would Move, The Front Porch
22 December 2021, "Deconstructing
Aleteia, 6
17 February 2012. Please Help the Poor, The was mso-font-signature:-536869121 1107305727 33554432 0 415 0;}
of Studying Cistercians Are Back at Zirc," The Catholic
Peuple souverain? France Catholique,
Colleges and Universities Guilty of Usury?" mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-latin;}
"A propos du dpart dun voisin trs aim," France
Stein Excellence in Research Award, August 2019, Myser Fellow, Notre Dame Center
"Humankind mso-font-charset:0;
"Are Desert Areas of Expertise
44, no.
"Luxuria, la vie facile," France Catholique,
World Report, 24 April 2021, "Resurrection Birthdays, Religion, 'Management Speak,'" 8 February 2020, "The
* Edith Stein Award for Academic
Holistic Understanding of the Environment," Catholic World
the Right Way, The H. Schoot et al. SCHOLARLY
Education: Its a Long Way From Real Education, Metaphysics