But one rescue mission turns this friendship CoAuthor: @PhoenixDuelRider The Awoken are my family now. [4], Eventually, the House of Wolves rebelled against the Queen and left the Reef, killing some of her guards during their escape. There were many names given to this extraterrestrial marvel: the First Angel, Lightbringer, ADAMbut ultimately? Her brother mocked the Guardian for running, but they informed the Queen and Prince that they did not run and transmatted a Gate Lord's head into the throne room, surprising Mara and Uldren. Thus, Mara petitions that they cannot restore Rasputin. "Did I ask for this eye? She provided the Young Wolf a Wayfinder's Compass to aid them in their mission before turning to regard Crow, who was staring at Savathn's cocoon. She revealed how she had worked for hundreds of years to ensure the outcome of the Awoken leaving. [32], In order to return to the Dreaming City, Mara required the assistance of a newly trained coven of Techeuns to help her in traversing the Ley Lines. Overtime, Mara would begin to have suspicions on Xivu Arath's tactics and motives, noting that the Hive War God's armies are legion yet only sending token-level forces against her enemies. [34], After speaking to the Guardian Mara summoned Petra into her private meditation chamber. [5] In a quest to understand herself, Mara went to Sjur to make a confession. We called itthe Traveler. Something clicks, this time. Take your place, Titan, and know this: when you fight for the Last City, you will never suffer defeat." The following recordings are documentation of my attempts to further our understanding of Taken essence, its effects on sapient creatures, and the possible manners of its expungement. fallen. (I decided to write this hence the fact that Cayde is a beautiful thang.Plus, this is dedicated to my friend, and all of the other people crushing on a robot.) The Queen declared that Starlight was her mother, and her father was the Dark, causing the Wolf Kell to mock her and call on them to see what help they were. Unfortunately, Crow would force his way in to Savathn's prison to demand the answers he seeks and was given his previous life's memories to the point of his execution, sending Crow reeling. Sjur brushed off Mara's concerns, believing that her actions were intended for a greater good, and kissed her before accusing her of confessing only to hide some greater secret. (Dont let them take me, too.) Nah. When Ghost previously questioned the choices she has made over the years, Mara angrily countered on how it couldn't understand the sacrifices one must make as a ruler. The protector of the Traveler's last gifts. Meeting with Petra and Variks, the Loyal, Mara was informed by her sole remaining Fallen advisor that the leader of the rebellion was said to be Skolas. However, she was surprised that they succeeded in their mission and granted them the means to enter the Garden, as a "favor" and expected them to answer her call should she make it. Her most unique interactions are with her brother, Uldren, who normally objects and questions her decisions, especially with those involving the Guardians. At current, the Witch Queen Savathun was suspended in a crystal prison while Mara Sov wove a plan to exorcise her worm. Female Interested by this development, Mara ordered her brother to convey to Petra that she had changed her mind and wished for Skolas to be captured alive and brought before her. And expect you to answer.". [16], When the Guardian returned, Mara noted that they still lived and had their Ghost. She was dismissive of this, noting that while she was sure they missed "it", she was not satisfied by their quest for vengeance. by Terriblewriter1103. Please consider turning it on! Keeping an aloof and enigmatic demeanor to belie a ruthless nature, Mara was not above helping others for a price and gathered knowledge regarding many secrets, including how to enter the Black Garden. Have fun reading!! Kirsten Potter Did I ask for the power of a wish dragon and a worm cursed to be bound to me? [13] Mara unleashed the power of the Harbingers at that point, annihilating more than half of the House of Wolves and killing Virixas. Mara witnessed Uldren entertaining a group of children with tales of Ager and Rega defeating their foes together. [35], A group of Corsairs established themselves within a wing of the H.E.L.M. [22], After all the other Fallen Houses had been successfully denied to Skolas, the Wolf Kell turned his attention back to Venus. Once the Guardian was provided with the eye and location of the entrance to the Black Garden on Mars, Mara stood and proclaimed that in exchange for her benevolence, she expected their help should the Awoken ever need to call upon them for aid. (Cover art is not mine) all credit to bungie for making this marvelous game and amazing characters. In one of the lore items called, "Mark of the Great Hunt," Mara Sov (prior to the events surrounding TTK) had Riven bend time and space in order to summon Lord Shaxx to her. As she stared across the starfield visible from her throne room, Mara revealed to the Young Wolf that she had once had the opportunity to destroy the Traveler and regretted not having done so due to the fears of those who wondered what would happen should it be destroyed. destiny2. Instead, she used her connections to speed Mara's exit from the Distributary. Eventually all my life ive been beaten,hurt,bullied,harassed, My name is Thetis Kastalia, warlock of the Vanguard and itinerant scholar. Though they were unable to locate her, they were still able to make verbal contact with the Awoken Queen for the first time in years, much to the joy of Petra. Savathn mocked the Guardians and Mara before beginning her transformation into her true form, which Mara quickly sealed within a cocoon using her magics. The Awoken were reborn within the universe on a planet known as the Distributary . The Guardian requested aid in entering the Black Garden, which Uldren dismissed, but Mara called him to her for a private conversation, suggesting to her brother that they send the Guardian to retrieve a Vex Gate Lord's eye so they could make them a key to enter the Garden. Image: Bungie. Not all of her subjects heeded her warnings, including the curious Techeun Melorii, who ventured into the Garden but did not return. Disclaimer: I do not own the art shown and credit to the artist on the bottom of the origional image. Julianna isn't happy about it either still reeling after her quest against the Witch-Queen, Clovis' presence only adds more questions and doubts on top of her existing ones. It is not the first time someone has made a comment about it, but this one hits her a little differently. Should the Awoken ever need an ally I will call on you. [2] As the Earthborn Awoken began to help Humanity, Sjur brought an analysis of their efforts to Mara. Mara Sov used her influence amongst the Awoken to create the Eccaleists, a group formed around the belief that the Awoken were born from conflict and that one day, that conflict would have to be resolved. However, Mara judged the deal worth the risk if it meant Osiris's return and the opportunity to potentially kill Savathn when she was at her weakest following her Worm's removal. Mara built a mausoleum in the Techeun's memory within the Ascendant Plane. After a moment of silence, Mara smiled and praised Eris' words, declaring that they will forge a plan to end the Hive god. When Alis Li -- the first Awoken Queen -- asked Mara if she began the Theodicy War, she denied it. Mara Sov used her influence amongst the Awoken to create the Eccaleists, a group formed around the belief that the Awoken were born from conflict and that one day, that conflict would have to be resolved. Ascending into this pure form is unlike anything anyone can ever experience. A h Add me on xbox @cvx Vendetta if ur down to raid. geraltsjaskier | 2021. [5], When Oryx's armies threatened the Reef, Mara Sov organized a frontal attack on the Dreadnaught, sending several Harbingers against the vessel, but to no effect. Mara's apprehension and dislike towards Clovis would soon be well-justified as after Rasputin was repaired enough to speak directly, the Warmind revealed Clovis's true intentions for aiding them: The Bray Patriarch intended to use Rasputin to upload his digital mind into Seraph Station and assume control over the Warsat Network, becoming a machine god as Clovis always believed that only he was worthy of being humanity's savior. The awoken queen, her radiant beauty What if Arjun learned about all that was meant to happen? The Forsaken Prince: After the Heart | Part I, The Forsaken Prince: After the Heart | Part II, https://www.destinypedia.com/index.php?title=Mara_Sov&oldid=240084. The Awoken were reborn within the universe on a planet known as the Distributary. Male Exo Warlock If any one don't like this u don't have to read it Also it 18+ if u are not 18 or older I don't want yall get in You are a guardian who falls in love with a fallen, Robots are actually pretty cute, to be honest. Mara admitted that she was wrong, and that they had her thanks and would receive a fitting reward for bringing an end to Skolas' ambitions and the House of Wolves rebellion. Mara granted the request with a wave of her hand, and Eris declared that she was not here for the Queen and no longer had any grievance with the City, and only cared about bringing an end to Oryx, the Taken King, whose coming had been foretold by Skolas. Mara Sov's Personality. and built a gateway that could lead to Mara's private chambers in order to coordinate their operation. What happens when the hunters protege goes rogue in order to save him? Every ruthless decision she'd had to make, every lie she had told, the enormity of the deception she was successfully pulling off, the depth of her manipulation of everyone around hershe weighed them all and she was crushed. With Clovis Bray at the HELM, a Warmind to rebuild, and Xivu Arath knocking on Earth's proverbial door, the Guardian teams up with Ana Bray and Osiris to prevent a breach of the Warsat Network. With the Guardian present, she offers the bounty of the Awoken's knowledge and treasures stored within the City. However, it is soon revealed that Uldren was being manipulated by the Taken chimeric Servitor creature, the Voice of Riven, which took the form of Mara Sov to influence Uldren. "Do you see the walls that surround the Last City? What if it was Saladin who took Crow in rather than Spider? Visit the War Table in the H.E.L.M. Mara Sov's Role In Destiny 2 Mara Sov first appeared in the original Destiny when players were sent to the Reef to ask the Awoken for help. Rasputin is left bereft as to what to do yet they can't let Eramis have her splicers hack into the network. Mara would later suspect that even if Mithrax had killed Eramis at the end of their search for the Nezarec Relics, The Witness would've folded House Salvation into the Wrathborn as part of its army either way. Mara Sov's Chambers is a operation hub for Mara Sov. Head to the holoprojector on Neptune to begin." As the Guardians worked with Ana Bray and a newly awakened Osiris in repairing the Warmind Rasputin so as to regain control over the Warsat Network, learning that Xivu Arath is attempting to corrupt the Network with her Wrathborn and turn the Warmind's arsenal on the Last City, they were forced to gain the cooperation of one of the Warmind's creators: Clovis Bray I, currently as an AI within the Exoscience Labs on Europa. Game: Destiny 2: Season of the Haunted Infant Death Self Harm Anal Sex Seighdee (Seighdra) Once an Awoken Paladin married to the prince was risen as a Guardian. Mara Sov cuts communication soon after, stating the "battle continues on" but promises that she would respond to any message they give as soon as she can and that she has faith in her Wrath. Nonetheless, the Worm completed it's end of the bargain by revealing that during the height of the Collapse, when the Witness turned a violent gaze towards the Traveler, the Witch Queen used her tricks and lies to turn the tide, forcing the Witness back into the stars, though to save the Traveler, not humanity. Alis assumed she wanted support in her mission but Mara said she wanted forgiveness. Another witch noted that Uldren had sent more of his Crows to Rhea and angered the Nine. Saint demanded answers as to where Osiris was, but Mara requested he lower his weapon and reassured Saint that his partner still lived. [31], Three weeks later, Mara allowed the Guardian to return to her court once more after the first repeat of the time loop the Dreaming City found itself trapped in. # 14. the captain and his crew (a destin. When the Awoken settled in the Reef, they learned that humanity still existed on Earth. Mara Sov would soon contact the Guardian, informing them that she had her corsairs watch their efforts and provides aid in leading them to the submind vault of Malahayati and the launch complex that would lead them to Seraph Station, the command hub of the Warsat Network hovering in orbit over the Last City. [An Evangelion/Destiny fusion], Mara longs for her brother's return on dawning. She departed once more with Eris to fight the Black Fleet and its servants before it reached the Sol System, ultimately returning once more after she failed to prevent its arrival. Their million-strong army would seal the fate of the Last City, and Mara was left with a choice to either let them pass or halt them by revealing the Awoken's presence and the extent of their power. She defeated many threats before they reached the remnants of humanity on Earth in The Last City, all to prepare for a confrontation with her nemesis Savathn, the Witch Queen. Although he insisted that he did understand, Mara slowly descended from her throne to stand over him and questioned why if he understood he had defied her. Volume. That is when she runs into the last person she would ever see again. [6], Mara confessed to Sjur in privacy that she had been the first Awoken, and had denied them the chance to become gods when they first self-created on Distributary, and was therefore responsible for all the mortal suffering the Awoken had ever experienced past that point. I didn't put any forsaken details into it because i'm literally going to cry. After Queen Nguya Pin stepped down, Mara became the face of the Eccaleists. After dying by the hands of Uldren Sov, Cayde-6 find himself in a new body and on a new planet. The title should explain it.What if Lord Saladin found Crow before Spider could even catch a whiff of him? Though the Guardian initially believed that Mara was offering herself as the Worm's new host, she ultimately deceived the parasite by turning the worm into a weapon called Parasite, fulfilling her bargain to the worm in giving it a host to continue its' survival but it's new form is now more like a prison, much to the worm's protest. However, her brother revealed that his Crows reported Skolas was not there, but that his raiding parties continued to enter the Vault of Glass in search of Vex technology. Though she has not seen her mother since leaving the Distributary, she still adores her and holds her in high regard simply for bringing her into existence. Petra questioned if Mara had experience with that, causing Mara's eyes to flash before she chuckled and stated she did, which was something that linked the two of them together. Born as a human during the late Golden Age, Mara and her family were colonists aboard the Yang Liwei before it was brought into the pocket dimension known as the Distributary during the Collapse. Falls Sie noch nicht auf dem Laufenden waren Bestimmung berlieferung seit, nun ja, The Taken King-Erweiterung von Destiny, dann werden Sie vielleicht berrascht sein, Mara Sov lebendig und gesund zu sehen.. Das ist richtig, die Knigin der Erwachten ist jetzt zurck, nachdem sie fast ein Jahrzehnt lang weg war, und das alles dank Ihres Wchters. Paladin Fen however was visibly upset during the ceremony,[14] as he and several other Paladins did not believe Petra was worthy of the post, considering her too young and inexperienced to replace Sjur Eido and believing that another Paladin should have received the honor instead. With these two pieces of evidence. After the disappearance of the planetary bodies upon which the Black Fleet had sent Pyramids, Mara sent a broadcast back to Sol. While she works to protect . One thought ricocheted around her skull: Alright, Guardian. ULDREN SOV X OC Mara addressed Crow and the Young Wolf and asked them to tread the line between Light and Darkness with her for the sake of Osiris. Keeping her expression neutral, Mara regarded the Fallen Kell and Variks informed her that Skolas would say no more. Soon after your arrival on Neomuna and initial encounter with Strand in Destiny 2: Lightfall, you'll receive an incoming message from Mara Sov.This begins the introduction to the Season of Defiance story, which will be an ongoing narrative for the next few months. Though Mara was at first wary of the Warmind, she admits to Ana that her efforts in repairing and interacting with Rasputin had made him into something better. She does this in order to keep their bond as siblings weak in the event it ever became necessary to turn on him. [28], No body was recovered after the battle, but signs that her ship had not been totally obliterated were recovered by Taken champions, which were later acquired and passed on to Petra. Another was Sjur Eido, Mara's lover and her first Queen's Wrath; even as Mara began to isolate herself emotionally, she remained far less formal with Sjur than most others she interacted with, regarding her as her 'beloved'. Queen Mara and her Guard arrived and captured Skolas, imprisoning him in the Prison of Elders and rewarding the Guardian with the promised riches. [33], Not long after Mara's return to the Dreaming City, Savathn arrived in the form of Osiris. When they returned from their quest Uldren arrived before Mara's full court and presented to her a pot of Asphodelia flowers from the Black Garden and requested she plant it within their domain to remind their people of their twin heritage in both the Light and Darkness. Sexual themes in later chapters. The Guardian managed to locate and traverse the Dark City but encountered heavy Scorn forces that sought to turn the city into their enclave. Though Mara was largely uninterested in the Guardian's quest for the Black Garden, she allowed them a chance to prove themselves, likely suspecting them to fail. Though Mara argues that Rasputin has acted without concensus or council before, Ana shoots back that Mara has done the same. She yells, her court shaking with her anger. The Queen had concluded that only Petra's leadership and defense of the Dreaming City had prevented it from falling to the Hive and Taken and expressed her gratitude for her Wrath's service. Before leaving the Distributary, Mara Sov met with Alis Li. [17], Around this time, the Fallen House of Winter raided the Prison of Elders and freed Aksor, an Archon of the House of Wolves who had refused to bow to Mara. The subsequent disappointment, like everyone wishes it had been somebody else. With the threat of war once again on the horizon, Mara decided that she'd waited long enough, and cornered Petra one evening. A collection of pieces from the Season of the Seraph. All while grappling with the reality of their past lives brought to bear in the return of the Bray family in their life. Studying the cryopods, Mara declared they would gift the Nine one of their prisoners to celebrate their victory over Aksor, and selected Skolas to be their prize. . An account of what might have happened if Crow was 'raised' in Felwinter Peak. [3] Mara and Sjur eventually drifted apart, as a result of both Mara's incipient apotheosis and her desire to see Sjur achieve her own fullest potential. This guardian and Cayde have been friends for years, since she's the number one guardian around here besides the vanguard. What if he died, it wouldn't affect anyone but his mother, so who cares. Mara noted that despite her brother's strengths he was suggestable and that she had been aware that her plan would put him at risk of such a fate and thus was not surprised to feel him die. Remembering that Xivu Arath's worm feeds on conflict and warfare, Mara would come to the conclusion that corrupting the Warmind's network may not be what the War God is after. "[31], Upon the Guardian's seventh visit, Mara states that she has dreamed of having a friend, then states that "the next act is about to begin" before disappearing. Mara fully returned in Season of the Lost. 12.8K 190 9. believing eliksni remains to be human remains, a ghost resurrects a house of wolves captain as her guardian. As the Guardians continued in preparing for the Witness's return, such as creating an actual alliance with Caiatl's Cabal, driving back a returned Calus from seizing control over the Lunar Pyramid and beating a freed Eramis at claiming the Relics containing pieces of the dead Disciple of the Witness, Nezarec, Mara Sov would do her part in preparing by strengthening her Corsairs and gathering what knowledge she could. The last thing the Queen expected was to employ a member of the Vanguard in such close capacity. When the Fallen House of Wolves first attacked The Reef after the Queen interfered in their participation in the Battle of Twilight Gap, she defeated their . She also told them to give a message to the Nine that reminded them that the Crows were hers. She bitterly dismisses them with, "Get out of my sight. Picture them in your mind. Mara Sov returned in Season of the Lost. Work Search: To release her, Uldren required a combination of Light and Darkness to open the gateway for Mara Sov to be free. However, her consciousness was able to survive in the Ascendant Realm in a manner similar to that of Toland: a soul with no material form. Its people are you blood. Only to have to try and rekindle that love with a complete stranger when she takes on the job of Wrathborn hunts. Deep within the Dreaming City, Petra Venj and the Guardian made contact with Mara Sov and confirmed she is alive using the Oracle Engine. 3. The power stemmed from the part of them that had once been attuned to the Distributary and was referred to as "weak acausality.". After years of debate within the community, Bungie has confirmed that Mara Sov is bisexual. When meeting again in Season of the Lost, Mara did express a measure of being impressed with the Guardian's growth in broadening their horizons. Mara was informed by Uldren that Skolas had returned his entire fleet to the Ishtar Sink, and she guessed that he intended to set up his rule from the dead Winter Kell Draksis' vessel, the Simiks-Fel. Horrified by what the Witch Queen had forcibly shown him and realizing that Mara Sov is trying to regain psychological control over him, he leaves the Reef, desperately requesting Ikora Rey for a new assignment. The Crow insisted that Uldren had only done this deed to impress her, not to defy her, and that was the only reason he did anything. During the Taken War Mara disappeared following the Battle of Saturn in a bid to usurp Oryx, the Taken King's power and returned to the Dreaming City years later to fight a curse laid upon it. It is later revealed through quest dialogue that she hands you the gun that killed Uldren Sov). We are just playing some Destiny 2 and end up talking about the weird lore about how Mara Sov made a wish for Shaxx to. -Zavala, Titan Vanguard. It was there that Petra was able to make contact with the Queen, [7][8] who tasked Petra with opening the City to the Guardians and slaying Riven. Whether or not he will survive an obnoxiously inquisitive warlock remains to be seen. Vendor? We Stand Unbroken. We Stand Unbroken. FOR MORE DETAILS, AND LINK. Petra swore she would not fail Mara, and she reassured her Corsair she knew Petra would not and that was why she had ended her exile. Locating an incubator they were looking for, the device breathes life into the Worm, allowing it speak but only for a moment, leading Mara to believe they require more incubators to give the worm what it needs to tell them what they want to know, which Savathn's Worm begrudgingly agrees to ensure it's own survival. 13. Mara explained that the House of Wolves was hers and settled into her throne. The only question is, will they take her into the fold? The wall against which evil breaks. Implies that cayde-6 had indeed met Mara sov and knew her on a personal level. [1] She offered the rest of the House a show of mercy and a home in the Reef, in exchange for their allegiance. Infiltrate the Shadow Legion prison ship in Defiant Battleground: Orbital Prison. It cayde x male it fan made and also sexual contect too Ruhyne sees how Mara is using Uldren and yet he refuses to agree, Until it's too late. She told her advisor that he did not need to and began to leave, but Uldren questioned what sentence she would pass on Skolas. The Queen took possession of Savathn's worm and admitted she had been outmaneuvered but claimed that the Witch Queen's worm would prove useful in discerning Savathn's next move. And its discovery changed us forever. Uldren survives the Watchtower. Sometime after the Exorcism and the Witch Queen's subsequent return, not to mention her "conversion" into the Light, Mara Sov took possession of Savathn's Worm and traveled with it to learn what she can about the entity controlling the Black Fleet, The Witness. Hunted like a criminal, she flee's to the one place she knows they can not follow her. Sadly, her position meant she she couldn't act on it, but that changed after the House of Wolves rose again. On the other side of the barricade, a Deathsinger apprentice fights for her position in Xivu Arath's ranks. Or Northern Lights, if it's easier." The entire battle was simply a delaying action; in using the Dreadnaught's weapon, Oryx destroyed most of his own fleet as well as the Awoken ships, forcing him to hold back from advancing into the inner system. Over the weeks, the Queen's Techeuns were gathered here as the Guardian rescued them from the Ascendant Realm. However eager he is to help his friend with restoring the Warmind, Yilwran would like it required less of a Golden Age engineer's wounded ego, and less Clovis Bray in general. Learning what Savathn had done, Mara confronted her captive but the Witch Queen was unrepentant, even claiming that the two queens were a lot alike, enraging Mara enough to silence Savathn within her prison and prohibit any more visits. Seething with anger, Mara told Jolyon that was a childish excuse and that the Darkness was not something to play with. The Ghost reminded Mara that Uldren had murdered their friend Cayde-6. As she arrived in her throne room, the Guardian was surprised by her Fallen bodyguards and attempted to attack them, but Uldren stopped them. And I am their Queen. Mara reassured the Young Wolf that she had not known of Savathn's deception until she arrived in the Dreaming City and that she also understood that the Hive God was guaranteed to betray them at some point. (Fuck yes I finally did it!!). [24], Before sending Skolas back to Prison of Elders, Mara and Uldren personally came to his cell to inspect him. Zavala and the other coalition members agree to the plan, with the Guardians continuing their infiltrations in the submind vaults as Rasputin seeks an alternative in fighting Xivu Arath. Ruhyne Sov was considered a disgrace to the family name, Twins were a bad omen for the Sovs and especially the second born. During the course of rescuing the Techuen Coven, Mara Sov attempted to reestablish her bond with her brother but as Crow was free from her psychological conditioning due to his memory wipe, he could see that Mara was attempting to regain a sense of control over him, which only furthered his desire for answers regarding his past and ultimately wish to distance himself from her. In face of his crimes, Uldren remained adamant that everything he had done was for his sister before being executed (Petra Venj and the Guardian confronted Uldren. Mara then noted that some of the lost Techeuns were like sisters to Petra, which her Wrath confirmed, and Mara comforted her with the knowledge that she could still feel their minds the Ascendant Plane and that they would return to her just as Mara had.