The confusion in him didnt take much, you saw it before you heard it : the shot. However it was a trap, your team leader ended up putting everyone in harms way which resulted in multiple injuries. I know, I know, Alex murmured soothingly, while Kara rubbed Y/Ns arm, wanting to comfort her in any way she could. Her walls are high and thick, impossible to break or to breach. Y/N just watched her sisters bicker happy to be spending time with them like this. She tilts her head, asking Alex to voice her thoughts. After the exhilarating game of paintball this was just what they needed to come down off that high. Hey, baby. He was masked you couldnt see his face, but his voice was clearly threatening. As for the blonde, she feels small. Masterlist This is a list of the supercorp/supergirl fanfiction that i have read from different authors here on tumblr. And you cannot, for the life of you, tell her how youre feeling. You wish, Alex responded as she kept pace with Lucy. I can say with a high certainty that you will be gone again in the next few months.". Lena smiles at you, before accompanying her assistant out of her office, leaving you alone. Trust me, Ive been there. She smiles, fond and sweet and you agree with your head. Two armed guard were beside him. Emmas tired eyes lift up to hers and she nods. You looked down for a moment, your feet scraping the floor as you just rolled your eyes up and glared at him maliciously. They finish and say their goodbyes to the couple, offering for Lily to stay with Emma to help her heal. Except there is one thing you learned with this particular group of people, the Superfriends, is that everything has to be done over food. "No matter what you tell me, it stays with me. There was a kind of sarcastic awe in her voice. Y/N sucked in a sharp breath, winced, and glanced up only to meet Karas worried and fixated gaze. Let go of me! Alex snaps as Lena stands in the doorway. A moan escapes her lips from the velvety taste, making Lena smile and chuckle. Shes one of you right? Robyn shoots back. Jonn just squinted as he examined Alexs behavior and shook his head. I know and I will regret it for the rest of my life. So, we got word this morning that a Dominator ambushed a public event in DC, Jonn said, slapping a manila folder in front of Alex as she stood in the command center. And now, she questioned if the fact that a beautiful woman was in her face was the reason she backed up, or if it was because she felt she really needed space. Who knew a pair of glaces could do such miracles ! Her eyes find Lena again, who slowly raises her head to watch Emmas answer. Emma opens her eyes and takes the glass of cool apple juice from her mom, nodding her thanks. Im just working a lot and traveling so much., Baby, your face is pale and bony. I get that. Alex pulls her friend into a hug and knows there must be more that Lena isnt saying. It would help numb what I was feeling, so Id have a bottle or two in the evening after everyone went to bed. Robyn. Fay utters as Emma tries to get her attention. Guys, I appreciate you both worrying about me. No, you dont. Not ever. I-I dont know where he is. Someone else might have her phone. Oh honey, thats not possible, Lucy responded with confidence. The woman was decently shorter compared to her. Ladies, Jonn said, attempting to alleviate the tension in the room, lets get back to it, shall we? Alex stumbles around the bed and makes her presence known by clearing her throat. I see you do have the proper qualifications to make you one of the leaders of this hell hole. "Come on, Kara. "So often, she had doubted herself as a daughter, was sure she would have been the one who made you disappear because she gave you a hard time as a teenager. Despite the situation you were, you couldnt help but felt a shiver at her words. But right now, when your pet is missing, you cant think of anything thats more important than finding him. I promise well hang out more once Im done with this.. Jonn, I just got in, got soaked from head to toe from the damn sideways fucking rain, and its 7am in the goddamn morning. You had nothing more to say and at the same time, you didnt want to know anything more from him. Says it all, actually. Why are you all so chummy with Luthor when she broke Emmas heart? Robyn glares around the room. When giving birth Eliza. Theres something we want to talk to you about., Kara sets her food aside, looking way too serious. Her face is pained as she voicelessly screams and sobs in the barren, white desert. Im sorry I lied. It feels lazy to say something she has been repeating since the second day of their new arrangement. "Do you know how much damage you did in less than five minutes?" But it says here it hasnt been sighted in days. Why would you even ask that? She chuckled. All I can do now is try to support you the best way I can. Emma takes a deep intake of breath and straightens up, allowing Alex to look at her. Youre on your way to the kitchen counter when you hear the doorbell. Is she upsetting you?. Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated. After the guards freed you, they left, locked the door behind them. Kara reaches out and takes Lenas hand, giving it a gentle squeeze of support. You stared at him one more time with disbelief; your eyes boring deep into him so that he had to swallow hard and had to improve his stance. Y/N realized that the cold had become more bearable and she nodded. When Alex Danvers adopts a 17 year old alien girl named Imilli, she is thrilled to finally have a kid. This Part: The Superfriends continue to try and help Emma and figure out the best steps forward. And Emma chose to play out her pain.. She sits next to you pulling you closer, and kissing the top of your head. So. Alex starts, eyeing Kara to stop inhaling her food. Alex motions for Reiff to continue. The camera zooms in on a blondes back as they stare out at the barren, white desert in front of them. Bravo. With a mock salute, then Alex responded with sarcasm, Aye aye captain! They grow up so fast, Alex said with a sigh. Your sisters have been texting you for days about game night, then sisters night, then a CatCo event, but all of their texts are left on seen. As if she never lived here. Please dont kill her ! She was incredible, irrestible but what was the point of all of this ? Teams were chosen and Kara, Jonn, Alex, and Y/N were all on one team while James, Lena, Nia, and Winn were on the other. For all of us.". She had stepped back and given the woman space. Told you. She said, taking a bite herself. Weve been noticing for a while that you havent been eating a lot., Then Lena told me about what happened the last time you saw each other., I felt sick with the sushi she bought. Frankie, youngest of the three Danvers sisters, had known that from her first day in the world. Her long, dark hair lay loose over her shoulders, her ears keeping the strands from falling over her face in the wind. Without saying another word, you freed yourself with a quick and strong shake and took a step back from him. Its food. Rolling her eyes she storms over but before she slams open the door, she hears Lena sobbing through it. Her eyebrows furrow tightly. To see someone you love believe she is worth nothing, that something is so wrong with her that she doesnt deserve love. So is it good. Kara asked. They were the last ones to arrive, and the others greeted the sisters warmly as they approached. I have acess to this cripted files. Warnings: Angst, fluff, emotions the usual, Pairings: Alex Danvers x Sam Arias, Kara Danvers x OC. Everyones shoulders deflate other than Robyn, Alistair and Fay. Ive been out of National City so much, yesterday I forgot my own address. Okay, sorry. To get everything off your chest; she knew exactly how you felt when he disappeared and that you partly blamed yourself for it. "You shouldnt be here." Itd just cause him more anxiety than he needed. Its something else, this thing youre going through. Y/N stared at the place where the vase had been standing just a moment ago, her mouth agape. Oh, so we dont even have an actual reason? She stares mournfully at her laptop on the coffee table. I hope they have lots of yarn balls where youre heading to. Human Kara Danvers Alternate Universe - No Powers Fluff Domestic Fluff A plot occurred unexpected plot Assassination Attempt (s) not on Lena for once smut in later chapters When a pipe bursts in Kara's apartment she is forced to move into her girlfriend of only a month's apartment temporarily. And yet he still had the nerve to look at her quite innocently and confidently. Its late and its Sunday. Oh, honey, Im so sorry.. Her hand wandered between your shoulder blades, drawing soothing circles on your back before her hand finally came to rest on your shoulder and pulled you into a tight embrace. You reek of it., Okay, maybe she admitted to being victim to it before, but she didnt think she was that obvious. Alex lets out a slow breath as she watches the destruction happening on the screen. Its all you can think about. We need you, Alex.. You look around furtively, before making your way there. it cant be done as fast as an omelet., You see, im a bad cook. He said with a smile. Alex could sense some underlying anger though, something at the core of this woman that went deeper than her having to work with National Citys DEO. Em, hey, youre okay. The DEO infirmary went silent when director Danvers walked in closely followed by supergirl. How happy she was to have been included and to have won her first year at that. Also- Alistair pauses as he looks between the sisters. Supergirl patrols from the sky thoroughly. i know i have prompts to write but i was in the mood to bring this back. Youre in our jurisdiction now. "Please, take a deep breath. NO ! "Do not say that, please." A gentle knock on the door makes them look over and Jonn quietly enters. I thought we agreed on no powers! The youngest Danver whined, louder then intended. Luckily, Alex was saved by the ring of Lucys phone. No ! Kara told her that it started as soon as she thought about Mon-el and having kids of her own. Its probably because you all are used to weapons. She knew all about her sisters work and knew that Kara was different and had powers. Yea, she was pretty, but that didnt give her a free pass to give her attitude. Im not going to say it twice., I know youre not. Alex strategically stared her down. Reluctantly, you sit next to her. Alex cant help but notice Emmas things still placed around the apartment. When she returned, she wrapped her stomach in the bandage after cleaning the scrapes and cuts. Y/N. Your name comes in a condescending tone that you hate. There is a big search for her until Lena finds her and talks to her. Im fine. They are not buying, and your heart is beating out of your chest, whilst your mind is being filled with blame and accusations. Alex wasnt gonna stand for that. I really wanted to give her a piece of my mind, but then I saw how broken she was and in a worse state than me. Alex admired her classy, but effective scare tactics. I almost ended up in Karas place., She wouldve loved that. Lena smiles and hugs you tenderly. Except pancakes, your pancakes are delicious. You said. Shall we?. As Alex turned towards the direction of the voice, she found herself glaring at a woman in heels who was quickly approaching them. I have to go to work, but Kara will stay here with you. She hears footsteps upstairs and knows the others will be down soon to begin the next session with Alistair. You fall on the floor with a scream. Alex had plopped down on an office chair, sipping her coffee with her eyes furrowed. DISCLAIMER: Do not take anything written here as medical advice. Medical help, our help, friends support. We can always go for a bit and come home.. When you're born into a family of genius scientists, with a superhero sister blasted to Earth from the stratosphere, not everything is destined to be easy. Oh, so did you not get any last night? Lucy taunted, and Alexs jaw dropped once more at the bold statement. They returned their gear and headed to the fair that was just a little ways down the road. The sun was starting to set and the colorful lights of the fair lit up the area and enticed whoever saw it closer. Yeah, um, I think the sushi didnt sit well. You finally detach yourself from her, smiling through the tears. When you three feel ready, it might give you some healing to go back and make peace with what happened. His eyes focus on Alex in particular who shifts in her seat. So whoever it was, was clearly going to get an earful. Im fine! Its okay! She called out, heaving the trash can into her arms. Ready to go? Jonn asks, holding out her coat and trainers for her. Lena didnt tell them about the, um, incident. But none came. Robyn continues to flick through and comes to the photo showing Emma and Lena beaming at the camera. Lena. Alex places a hand on Lenas shoulder, concern seemingly replacing her anger. Im not going to lie and say this hasnt affected me. Alex: Whats the point of a group chat if only me and Kara talk? Ill be alright with time cause I have these amazing people around me. You smile, looking at his tombstone one more time. Little ball of fur. Because lunch involves eating, and you, well, youre not particularly fond of eating. I want to say no, but Id be lying to you.. She cleans one tear, you think, when her thumb strokes your face lightly. Working with Alex was going to be fun. The dogs tail starts pounding against the sofa, Emma gives her a small smile and sits. I hope youll enjoy reading it ! She instantly removed it, shaking it in hopes of it granting her even the slightest bit of relief. Y/N listened to her sisters talk about the games they used to play as children and laughed along to the funny parts of how Alex always seemed to win while Kara was trying to figure out how to best beat her elder sister. Forever. She spent weeks in bed and I had to prompt her to eat, to shower and take care of herself. My advice is to put your shit aside, chill the fuck out and do your job.. Lena takes in a nervous, deep breath. You hurt me, Kara. The statement is said softly and Lena seems as surprised as Kara; she didnt think she would confess that. Your sisters hug you tightly. I havent seen you in a month, and I know youre hungry. Running into their past parents and past demons. I still dont understand. The brunette says cautiously. You can decide how this ends? You would not have blamed him, but would have fallen into his arms and started crying with joy. You woke up with pain accross your entire body and you winced. Good. Alistair nods and gives Robyn a warm smile. I dont know how you run things here in National City, but where I come from, we move quickly. Am I expected? Emma asks and the sisters share a look, which Emma catches. You let her down! He managed to grab your arms and clasped your wrist tightly, so that you couldnt shake them off at first. After 10 minutes you entered a large room with a giant glass window offering a great view of the city. She tries to block out the different conversations happening around the room but its difficult. She looked at you, her emerald green eyes shining in the moonlight and a small smile occupying her lips. They are having dinner, the TV is on a channel airing a 2000s movie but they dont make conversation. Lena lowers her head but before she can respond some of the others enter the room. It was as if Alex heart was cut into a million pieces. Untie them.. "There is nothing to talk about. They sit and roast marshmallows while drinking rich hot chocolate. You look up, paying attention to the end of Karas speech. However, in response, the woman only raised a brow at reading Alexs body language, clearly unphased. Good morning. Lena says politely while cautiously entering the room to the coffee machine. And we saw that youre still working! Alex makes her way inside your apartment with two bags in her hands. Alex stewed. I did that to her. She chokes out and a sob breaks through. Shes taken Lily for a walk. Robyn explains and sees Alex tense up. Slowly Lena holds her clenched fist out and opens her hand. The most important things already packed in a suitcase, you stood at the door of the shared apartment of your eldest sister and you looked around one last time. Can you please look at us? Her Moms voice breaks, causing Emma to lower her head and slowly open her eyes. Kara! Seeing a pumpkin was already a shock for the blonde, for they didnt have pumpkins on Krypton - but carving them? Alex eyed the woman, not willing to back down from her stare, especially after that rant and clear tarnishing of her DEO. her voice was deep and warm but had a subtle rasp in it. Kara and Alex both kiss the top of your head sweetly, and you are sure youll never be alone having them by your side. You dont tell me, too bad, ill kill you and we move on. She kisses the crown of your head. I don't have a boyfriend. You said, doing your best not to look away. Im Major Lucy Lane. after 2 long months, i am back with my on going ficlet. Emma, would you like to explain about the bottles?. Theres still a lot to talk about and I havent seen you in weeks. Lena kneels down and hands her one of the mugs. Are you feeling just a little bit better, maybe? Kara hopefully asked. The matter is in need of urgent attention, Director. Ill die for you if i must.. We were monitoring every security camera by major attractions.. Back to you in the studio., Alex quickly takes the remote and logs into YouTube to find the video. "What do you mean she's gone? You swallow the lump on your throat and the tears that insist on coming when you realize that last night actually happened and you did just lose your cat. Lena Luthor seemed close to a dropout, despite her calm demeanor. He walks over to Emmas side and gently tucks a few damp hairs away from Emmas face. Fuck sake. Alex slurs out and slams the lid of her laptop down. Please consider turning it on! Were with you forever and were going to get over this together, ok?, I dont even know what to do, where to start, I-, To be honest, baby, neither do we. Kara holds you tighter. Could you do a oneshot where Jeremiah is back (S2 Ep14) and joins family dinner but with b!d being not so happy to see him again because she was so devastated when she was gone? You haven't been sleeping. How could one be so damn impudent and bold to enter the apartment with such a sentence. Seeing him hurting Lena made you go crazy. ", Karas jaw dropped. Oh, Y/N.. Why is she crying?. You are amazing. You know, I think you and I are going to be good friends, Danvers, Lucy said smugly. There was a stern demeanor now set behind those green eyes. We can go if- Alex starts to say but Emma firmly shakes her head and pulls her sisters into a group hug. Did you not hear anything I just said? In a second Lena was on you, hands on your shoudler to stop the bleeding, tears on her cheeks. I was thinking we could hold a memorial for him later tonight? We all caused the damage. Lena inhales sharply and puts her takeout box on the coffee table. Well give you everything so you can overcome this, baby.. You raise your head up and look in her direction. I can smell your baby gay panic. Despite knowing she didnt have to constantly watch over her kid sister, that kind of responsibility was pretty well rooted into her core. Okay everyone, please gather around. Alistair says, grabbing everyones attention. "Talk to me, honey. In the meantime, the woman stepped close to Alex once more, with the redhead automatically stepping back again. They near the end of the book and Eliza excuses herself to go get changed. Just because you exist and tell me all these things doesnt mean they are true. She doesnt want to share the bed with her friend, she only wishes for them to talk like they used to but Lena is never open for that. Little one? Kara queries, still holding onto Alex who had remained frozen, her chest still heaving slightly from her outburst. She decides to try something. Text. Are you alright? Eliza asks the brunette. She quickly got to work and was a natural. It came from her heart. Robyn says softly, focusing everyones attention on her. Emma nods and signs her thanks to her friend. You nodded and she hugged you hard. I just need the luthor here, but if i can keep you alive, youre my bonus if youre useful as youre seems. Im here on orders to work with Director Henshaw and National Citys DEO division to apprehend and subdue this Dominator. The woman then stepped into Alexs space. Major, was it? Alex mimicked. Supergirl lands in front of you, with a shoebox in hand. You cant say no. Lena shakes her head but Kara wraps her arms around her anyway. When he left you, you often thought about what it would be like to see him again, but over time, the scenarios in your head changed. You took a bite of the food and was extremely surprised at the taste. Take a deep breath for me, Em.. "But please do not ever run from us ever again.". Hell, shes done similar to her agents. Wrapping her coat tightly around her body, she cleared her throat before speaking again. Granted, you are in an emergency, but she uses the key all the time, emergency or not. At first, you would havee forgiven him as if nothing had happened. "Alex could forgive me, then why not you? Sooooo sorry for not posting in forever. While the chorus proceeds, Emma lip syncs next to the band members, the camera angles tilt, representing her heartbreak and used to make the viewer feel uncomfortable with her. Miss Luthor i think you will be more cooperative now you saw what im capable of. yes, its still one-page long. You still have a lot of work to do, you need more coffee if you want to keep working. Alex: Y/N do you mind letting your sisters know that you are ok? You tasted the blood on your tongue. We wont force you. Alistair responds and Emma shifts in her seat, feeling uneasy. . Thanks, hope your having a good day! In no time shes in front of Lenas apartment and she raises her fist to pound on the door. But instead of looks of shame or disgust, she sees expressions of compassion and understanding on everyones faces. Well be right behind you. Due to the nature of the group we have sponsors within the DEO and meet separately. But what she cant find is Lena, until she turns to the bedroom and notices the door is closed. I really wanted to hate her. Alex admits darkly. , Ill give you 10, no more or your precious little girlfriend here will see her life ends prematurely.. They tightly hold onto each other and Emma places a kiss on their heads. I may disagree with you darling. She doesnt need it there but still, its an awful feeling. Alex soon joins the search, going to the opposite side. He didnt even want to mind read what she was dealing with. Sure. You smile, though on the inside youre feeling quite the opposite. Emma stares back at Lena in confusion and Lenas stomach drops. Gone.". They do not have time for themselves or for love because they are busy with me. He approached the computer with hunger in his eyes. Theres nothing anyone can say to ease your heart right now. Thanks. The trio leave and Robyn sits heavily on the stool at the island, resting her head on her fist. Unfortunately, recent events have started to reveal that maybe the couple are not as compatible as they once thought. They were all armed, why did she do this ? First and foremost, she gets called in on her day off. Sighing heavily, Alex knocks on the door and enters. We will be fine as long as we keep it togther okay ?. Ill see you tonight.. But with Kara out visiting a certain other caped cruiser who masked himself as a journalist as well and National City being relatively quiet, Alex took it upon herself to get some well needed R&R, which involved sleeping in, pjs, beer, pizza and possibly dragging out some old video games she used to love playing. Well, it was more of a hunch and you cant plant bugs in someones home on a hunch. Lucy shrugs and winks at the singer. Do you have any good Supercorp+kids? He sounds like he was a good man. Robyn smiles at the older woman. Well, lets hope you never have to be in a position like this. Robyn growls and taps the cup in her hands. Remember, you are loved, you are enough and you are important. But near the end it shifts again and focuses back on Emma by an edge of a cliff. It appeared that Karas heat vision had not only burned Y/N, but really hit her with large scrapes and cuts. You knew I ran away and made it impossible for them to find me. Now its new you heard a voice said. The stairs creak and Lenas head spins to see who it is. Alex. You cry her name out of your lips and she gets it. How can he just be gone just like that? You dont think its a good idea? When Lena lowers her chopsticks, resting them on her takeout box, Kara feels the oxygen leaving her lungs. Maggie and her daughter visit Alex at the DEO. "How did you find me?" If you knew she was with me then-. Crouched, legs drawn up, you just sat there with your arms wrapped tightly around your stomach. Her clothes were simple and not elegant as usual; jeans, a blouse, cuddly ankle boots and a flowing, long coat. Gotta say, I havent met anyone that stacks up to my bullshit like you. She notices how troubled her sister looks. How broken I was and thank you so much for being there for me. Emma watches and feels a pang of hurt hit her chest, but she quickly pushes it away. Tumblr posted its first advertisements in May 2012 and subsequently earned $13M in revenue. You haven't been eating. Read the most popular babydanversreader stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. I wonder who will win next year, she was saying. And sometimes I hate everyone around me, and work and life. After a fight with Mon-El during gamenight, you have a conversation with Kara and come to an agreement, tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Alex Danvers & Kara Danvers & Maggie Sawyer, Winn Schott Jr./Original Female Character(s), Original Female Character(s)/Orginal Male Character(s), yall are gonna have to stick around for this one, the burn is far slower than i anticipated it would be, im such a different person now i am so sorry. "I feel like a burden on top.". Emma yawns and rubs her eyes, clear fatigue is etched on her face. You would feel guilty if you didnt sit here and eat with Lena, but once you do, you also feel guilty as hell for putting so much food inside you. The sapphire sky is a stark contrast against the white of the sand. I think Ill still keep them for a while, and theyll sure feel empty just like my apartment and my heart without you. Ive read up on the DC DEO branch too, and the crap you guys pull, well, it towers over ours, and even you, Alex finished with a smirk. Dont blame me., Were not blaming you. Alex reassures you, immediately touching your arm for comfort. One you dont want anyone to know or worry about. The youngest member of the Danvers family was excited since it was her first time getting to participate in the tradition. Pushing yourself between him and Lena, this time, you felt the bullet, a sharp pain in you shoulder as it pasted trough it.. Then it was chaos. After all she promised you. "Remember when you told me that you found a place here in National City that at night looks like the water reflects the whole galaxy?" Ive missed you too, Lee. You finally part the hug, looking at her with a wide smile. Let her go ! you felt Lena move with rage behind you, but she didnt manage to budge an inch. You dont need to do this right away, but Eliza told me the apartment where the attack happened is still empty. Kara zips over and opens it. He was my best friend. You cry and cry. Im still hurting, she adds, with sadness and somewhat anger. She cant help but feel a pang of sympathy for the raven haired woman as she jumps and stares wide eyed up at her. All of these works are either requests Ive gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas Ive had for works. Her things.." Alex hit the counter with her balled fist. Apologies, Major. . Summary: Y/N gets hurt while carving pumpkins with her sisters. They played several rounds, each team winning a handful of times, but team Danvers ultimately came out on top. ", "Sometimes I think it would be better for both of them if I was not here." Because based on the smug grin now plastered on this womans face, she knew she lost the fight. "See you tonight at our place?" She freezes when her apprehensive eyes connect with Emmas. Lets ask Marvin : Marvin how long it takes to make an omelet ? Mom, You know you can't cook anything. The music ends and the camera pans upwards towards the sapphire sky, the sound of Emmas anguished breathing fills the room and the video ends. The bullet was on the floor. They watch as plates and glasses go flying and crash against the walls. referencedrape. But they still call you a few times during the day, and Supergirl drops by a couple of times as well, one in which she helps you pack all of Sheldons things, and hide them on the top shelf so you cant be tempted to look at it all the time. Jonn quirked a brow and crossed his arms, staring at Alex and her early morning tantrum. Meanwhile, Kara squeaked out aOh Rao, Im so sorry, Alex! and Alex dashed to the kitchen to get the trash can. PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Its growling with impatience., Yeah, sure. Kara ignores you, making her way inside to where Alex is. One time he got up to feed Emma but I could hear her fussing. The tone she used nearly set Alex off. Oh God. Why. Emma sniffs and her sisters pull her into another hug before they start heading back to the group. I forgot to mention Kara begins, getting nothing from Lena, not even a glance over but she continues anyway, James told me he thinks we should go out on a date night, you and me. She waits expectantly and the only reaction she gets from Lena is a scoff.