uncwseahawks25 says: Aug 24, 2011 8:57 AM. There are trade offs. This is no different than someone going to work for a store that required a certain presentation.thats what the owner wants.his team.if Newton doesnt like it, he doesnt have to play! However, what Cam does with his body outside the realm of being in shape, keeping himself healthy and making sure he is prepared to lead the team effectively, is none of the owners business. Is that legal? Wearing tattoos is prohibited in his religion so he is not allowed to wear any. On the other hand Im a little disapointed in Cam. Its called be an adult and realizing that you dont just get to do whatever you want and not possibly suffer consequences. Michael Redd 12-26-2008, 05:39 PM #38 TMAC-RAPTORS Sharpshooter Join Date Oct 2008 Posts 2,173 Re: Name 10 current black players without I made that point in another post. Its his show. 10 best NBA players who dont have tattoos. If my QB is spending any time under the needle for a superficial piece of body art instead of studying film or learning every positions responisibility on every single play than he is mismanaging his responsibilities as a professional and I wouldnt trust him as the leader of my franchise. McDonalds can tell me pretty much the same thing. You can agree or disagree with Richardson. Kante is the only chelsea players without tattoos in our list. I have said more than once that if scientists went into the lab to design the perfect QB they would emerge with Cam Newton. He is just one of many muslim footballers without tattoos. Jerry, do you care more about winning football games or playing house? There are laws against being singled out like that. . Iniesta played for Barcelona for 22 years. No visible tattoos and no piercings has been a policy at every job Ive ever had. Its simpleIf you want to play in the NFL you have to follow rules. This while working in Chicago. Artwork on his neck, arms and any area that is exposed outside of normal clothing and the uniform should be cool. and not that cool old school. If you had something worth 500 million dollars, would you be worried what any of the posters on PFT thought? The first one relates to the pre-draft meeting between Richardson and quarterback Cam Newton. It isnt illegal for the boss to discriminate against people with tattoos or piercings. Back Football Tattoos 7. Where is Allen Iverson when you need him? Solid Oak Sketches filed suit on Monday in New York federal court, saying that particular tattoos depicted on players in the recent game NBA2K16 was the company's copyrighted work. The man who was the first to hire a first ever owner to hire a black man as a HC, the first to ever hire a Hispanic as a HC and the first ever to hire a female executive? As for Richardson not wanting Cam to get tats or piercings, its his team and he can request or demand how his players look on the field or in front of the press. Why all the indignation because the owner wants the face of his franchise to be Wheaties cereal cover material? End of story. Jerry owns the team and can ask his player(s) to have no tattoos. Aug 24, 2011 6:29 AM Richardson doesnt care if Cam has a white girl, just not his grand daughter, ha ha. I think Cam wants to be the next commercial superstar. But it is rediculous to think that people would watch the NFL less if all the players had tattoos and piercings. Not everyone who has tattoos is a gang-banger or crimminal. Im not sure why NFL players should be any different. The yankees do the same stuff in baseball. I have no problem with Richardson making a suggestion like that, its his company and hed like it if the face of his franchise was clean cut. Thats just fact. While it may seem odd to tell a grown man that he cant wear a tattoo or ear piercing, you could alway tell him hes more than welcome to wear them both for another team. And to those who say there is no place that would fire an employee over tattoos and such I can name several Two are family entertainment venues namely Walt Disney who has strict policies against and Universal Entertainment. Bottom line is Hes there to win games and win fans which equals more money for the franchise. Richardson: Oh yea, by the way no white girls either Cam. You must be logged in to leave a comment. Yesterday, team management made a pitch to the South Florida media in hopes of convincing local governments to subsidize $250 million in. In fact, instead of having fancy tattoos, he decides to help humanity. - July 31, 2013. Of course teams have the right to at least request this. If it does become an issue he can always request a trade to the Raiders or Bengals. . I dont agree with facial and neck tattoos, and primarily an ear piercing really is not that big of a deal. Each do it different, but that is the end goal. Cam can choose to bag groceries instead of get paid 30 mil to play a game. successful business owners in general (not the rule) tend to be type A personalities that think because they are the boss they can control everything. He should just play Madden. WebDerek, or Derek Arthur Paggao-Ramsay, was born in Enfield, England on December 7, 1976 to British father Derek Ramsay Sr. See Derek Ramsay full list of movies and tv shows from their career. I think he is a control freak with some serious anger issues. Nikola Jokic. - this, however, is taking it a step further by dictating how cam can look when hes not at work. That could be construed to be a health and safety issue, particularly in a contact sport. If Jerry wants the face of the Panthers to appear clean-cut, thats his right. I think Jerry Richardson is a boorish, stubborn, old man who was the driving reason/unreason behind the lockout. owners of sports teams seek out particular players because of their talent and therefore those players have the power to say whether or not they will adhere to any dress code that is set out. Call it what you want. he should be allowed to get a BUST tattoo on his forehead. SMHI wonder if he asked Blaine Gabbert the same thing during their visit. Richardson owns the team so he can ask whatever he wants. There are very few that can pull off reasonable tattoos, and none that can pull off piercings. Truth is though, Richardson is doing Newton a favor. yes its true, lots of companies have policy against visible tats while at work, and i can agree with that. The yankees have the same thing in place. He hired a latino hc, drafted an african american QB, and steve smith adores him(and he hates everybody). owners of a business dont actively seek out 1 person, they set a standard that all applicants have to adhere to. He should just say no thanks, go get a couple of tats and sign with the Colts for less money and he can sit behind Manning. You could go a lot of different ways with a tattoo featuring The Greek Freak as its headline, but the Milwaukee Bucks 2. This is the NFL. LaMarcus Aldridge has more than one tattoo 1. That said, I like what Richardson has said and agree with his right to say it. Regardless of the motivation, theres something troubling about Richardsons position. Even Cam Newton is winning football games, him being tatted up will have nothing to do with it. There is nothing wrong with the owner telling Cam his preferences with tatoos. Paramedics and school teachers who work long hours for peanuts, because they want to make a positive impact on other peoples lives. You are the biggest herd of sheep I have ever seen. Cam Newton Just Checked his map and realized hes in that country called AMERICA. I dont have any. I said, Do you have any piercings? He said, No, sir. Rushmore. if you read the question as stated, then the CLEAR answer should be NO. Forearm Football Tattoos 2. Its the voice of reason in an age where the game is getting out of control of the owners. The employer has a right to spend their money on a person who looks presentable. But for every Mike Vick their are even more JaMarcus Russells, Vince Youngs, and Terrelle Pryors. If he doesnt have any at this age he probably doesnt want them, but its the principle. Good keep it that way. That is total BS. WebThe adidas Predator Absolute Gold dropped without warning this morning, November 1st, 2022 on adidas. These players are supposed to be professionals and are paid like they are. If my QB is spending any time under the needle for a superficial piece of body art instead of studying film or learning every positions responisibility on every single play than he is mismanaging his responsibilities as a professional and I wouldnt trust him as the leader of my franchise. I have no problem with people who love tattoos (I know several) and want to cover their body in them, but just dont complain about your lack of job prospects because you dont look very professional no matter how you dress. Those players currently in the league with visible tattoos will be given the option to cover them up before games, practices and press conferences. The standards are not the same for everybody/everywhere. And I it was a strong request, not a demand. I thought, Oh my God! My mate was in and he felt proper awkward.. That is fine. While I disagree with Richardson on many many things. They should call this site OldFogeyTalk instead. He owns the team and has done nothing wrong in stating that to him. But I cant have BOTH at this stage in my career. On the other hand, the fact that THIS was the first thing the owner asked his new player about may show why this franchise has gone downhill so quickly. Then Richardson would have to risk cutting talent (Im not a Cam fan), taking a PR hit and letting Cam take his talents to another team. I didnt realize having tattoos and piercings was unreasonable. 1. Thats it. Its ok to have dress codes and other policies for an organization, but young players have tattoos and piercings. He interviewed for a sales position with a company, and showed up at the interview with an earring. put it in a contract with a lot of zeros attached, otherwise shut up! How many would just harbor a disdain and not address it? D@amn right he can dictate as he chooses. What makes you part of the team is not the draft but the contract that is signed, which most NFL contract do have a morality/ dress code clause look at Plexico Buress and others who violate their teams contracts by doing stupid things. i think a TON of people are missing the point. In the NFL a player does not have that choice and therefore should not be forced into an image he does not want. Nobut players should know what the owners like. Joel Embiid. He looked at me with such disgust. If Cam decides to get a piercing or tat, Im sure he will. Let me simplify this one for the bloody-do-gooders and first amendment nuts. He held up a photo of Steve Smith and said, Yeah, basically just dont be like this., Just take a look around the league If owners seriously considered only signing players who looked like choir boys they wouldnt even be able to field a team. It may not be your choice, and it may not be the most courageous choice, but its a legitimate choice. If you do not like your employers grooming policy you can seek out one that better suits your style. Maybe their owner should focus more on the talent of the product on the field instead of what they look like. Previous to this article, I was down on Cameron Newton. If I want piercings or tats, I can go do something else. my issue is this: sure companies can dictate how you show up and act at work, i get that. And I dont want you hanging around that no-good tyrone or that shank shaquanda!. Outside of football, 14 percent of Americans have tattoos, according to one study. Only one of the the top two players in franchise history was inked up and down the arm. If Im getting paid millions of dollars to be a high profile leader in a company and represent that company publicly? I just want to play football.. Sleeve Football Tattoos 5. Also, I doubt paying customers will care about any of that assuming TDs are being put on the board. The New York Yankees do the same thing with all of their players. A bigger issue (in my mind) is that an owner shouldnt be able to selectively enforce any policy on any one employee. freedomispopular says: Its fact of life. While my personal preference is in alignment with Richardson, I am not ok with the implication that it is a requirement. It might be just me, but I care a lot more about how a player acts on and off the field than about how many body mods they have. If my memory serves me correctly Jerry was a big supporter of the rooney rule. Its outrageous and racist and pretty damn normal. They just want the most talented guys. A guy who has size, strength and perfectly merges RB talent and elite passing skills. Furthermore, check yourself in the mirror bro, for the way you embarrassed yourself and your franchise with your handling of preliminary CBA negotiations. 1.8k Views. Smith runs second-fastest 40 by DL since 03, Saleh compares Carr to Stafford pre-Rams trade, Allen to be ready to roll for offseason program, How to maximize leverage of No. No. - Some are police officers who are willing to take a bullet to protect your stupid a##. Obviously there are exceptions to this idea such as Mike Vick but even Vick acknowledged that before his stint in the clink he didnt spend near enough time studying. And uh, I am a Raider fan. And if I got them, and suddenly was let go, can I really say my rights have been infringed upon? Impact of NFLs Potential New Policy on Tattoos General Aug 15 Bruce Feldman of CBS tweeted, Spoke w longtime NFL personnel man who said in wake of Aaron Hernandez teams may use police experts to check prospects tattoos. This generated a slew of questions from football fans and Americans in general.
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