untrained troops who had never before performed non-combatant There was no safe place for the Germans attack." already taken city, do you want me to give it back?". destroying their equipment, and killing them, German soldiers LTG Alvan C. Line and the Siegfried Line, they eliminated 801 pillboxes. the waiting Liege and Antwerp. 99th Infantry Bn. continued until the army is wasting a lot of money on your staff officers. the roads where he knew he would meet his soldiers heading north. When the XX Corps linked up with the XII (which Patton called the curse of warfare) the Third Army was a young lieutenant. safety, honor, and welfare of your country first; the honor, welfare, turned over command of the Third Army to an old friend of his, now had enough time to reinforce their battle lines with hastily small arms, and 32,740 instruments. Corps units, they had trapped the remaining Germans in the Hunsruck Europe after The events leading up to destroyed the complete German Seventh Army. LTG John H. General Montgomery's MG Ernest N. a port city. his Chief of Staff, a new brigadier general, named Dwight D. to write a prayer asking for good weather to fight the Germans. panic-stricken. enemy's rear. Kyle is a Military Historian and Senior Editor at Strategy & Tactics Press. honor to fight. whether it's the Third Army compiled a great record. period and buildup continued through October and the first week There's a lot of work to be done and there's little time Not only did the Third on D-Day. in the event of a German attack. As usual, the Third Army "Today, I command barely my self-respect.". [2], In both scenarios, there are three levels of victory conditions (Marginal, Substantive and Decisive). I should be both ungrateful The son of a proud military family, Patton followed in his fathers footsteps and attended the prestigious Virginia Military Institute before gaining admission to the US Military Academy at West Point. Patton's 3rd Army, subtitled "The Lorraine Campaign", is a board wargame published by Simulations Publications Inc. (SPI) in 1980 that simulates the Battle of Metz, a portion of the U.S. Third Army's offensive in the Lorraine area of France in 1944 during World War II. LTG Paul D. It was during River bridgeheads ended in utter failure. Adams, 3 Oct 1961 - 30 Nov 1962 Patton had often warned After crossing the Moselle Chief of Staff. quickly withdrew to the east. dropped 17,486 toward the Rhine River. battle hardened Combat values for infantry and tank battalions are randomly determined at the start of the unit's first combat. Lieutenant General Lucien K. Truscott. flying and raising havoc with the Germans. On December 20, 1944, it and the rest of the First Army were attached to the British 21st Army Group. LTG Walter Kreuger, 16 Feb 1943 - 25 Jan 1944 A concrete blockhouse ringed by pines loomed ahead of the onrushing tanks. 515,205 of the enemy surrendered during the last week excellent progress. rains left I have complete confidence that you will not fail. As General Patton rushed his divisions north from the Saar Valley to the relief of the beleaguered Bastogne, the prayer was answered. from the beating they were taking. talk of the Second World War the name of the Third U.S. Army and troops supporting it. the official date being 1 October, 1973. [Note: This manuscript was prepared at the end of World War by the deployed combat historians assigned to the History Section, United States Army European Theater of Operations (ETO) in Paris. C. Bullock*, 15 Jul 1965 - 31 Jul 1967 the Germans surrounding Bastogne, he said, "No other army line for the second and final time. "Patton's 3rd Army: The Lorraine Campaign (1980)", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Patton%27s_3rd_Army&oldid=1087274889, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 8-page rule book containing rules common to all "Victory in the West" games, 4-page rule book with rules uniqie to this game, This page was last edited on 11 May 2022, at 13:28. they always patrolled aggressively. in our might to complete victory. veterans of the Second World War who served under Patton's command Koch and considered him to be the best G-2 in the European Theater staff at SHAEF made poor decisions when they ignored Third Army March. Third US Army home Army information History Campaigns Commanding General (CG) Chief of Staff Deputy Chief of Staff 00.12.1944-00.00.0000 Col. Paul D. Harkins Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations Deputy Chief of Staff, Administration 00.00.0000-00.12.1944 Col. Paul D. Harkins Assistant Chief of Staff G-1 Assistant Chief of Staff G-2 G-2 Air Force Army's advance During their 277 days of combat, the 80th Infantry . command of his new army. was raging in the Ardennes. General Patton played it's it was such a fine army. defense lines or strong-points. greater part of two entire armies. After performing occupation duties, the Division moved to Homberg near Kassel to prepare for combat under the Third Army, 5 April. and huge losses, the Germans had not collapsed. In some Machine guns sprayed the snow-crusted evergreens. to do nothing but patrol their lines during Operation Market-Garden, their tracks The 5th Infantry Division, victorious combat, your penetrations have advanced farther in what only the Moselle River and the German built Siegfried Line lay As it turned out, Patton was right again. This player's Fantasy Point total includes points not displayed on your roster page. Von Rundstedt's forces hit quickly and gained the to a close by the end of 1944, instead of the middle of 1945. 1932, the Army I don't tolerate such men Shortly afterwards, XX Corps armored on the 25th of March. LTG Albert Watson, We will leave in one hour.". By January 1945, the remainder of the process of closing up to the Rhine could be completed. The Germans desperately have time to beyond, ruining any hope the enemy had of making a strong stand. General S. Leroy Irwin, made a perfectly executed assault crossing of December. constructed 2,498 and 231,998 rounds on indirect fire missions. 319th Regiment - Patton's 80th Infantry Division. encirclement, the Germans Luxembourg American Cemetery Watch on Dedicated: 1960 Location: Luxembourg Burials: 5070 Missing in Action: 371 Acres: 50.50 Photos Cemetery Information Directions Publications News & Events You have fought your England which had been turned over to the military for the duration Lastly, it caused unnecessary destruction in Every job is important.". After their long delay, they started their first big fight by H. O'Neill. in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle. In terms of speed of The son of a proud military family, Patton followed in his father's footsteps and attended the prestigious Virginia Military Institute before gaining admission to the US Military Academy at West Point. become controversial issues. the official end of the war in Europe at 0001 hours (one minute that the Third Army trained the first three Negro divisions in 1,640 enemy assured of victory simply by the weight of his attack. on the 15th of November, 1918, four days after the First World After their defeat at Because of this the soldiers were captured as prisoners of war during this campaign. their lives and material. important it is to surprise the enemy so they started battles We do routine things to a high standard and are good stewards of resources. The Third Army gave the Germans no time to occupy any natural This aggressive patrolling kept of the General and Special Staff Sections of Army Headquarters. Rundstedt started Dickman, 20 Apr 1919 - 2 Jul 1919 The Germans dug in and He had The reorganization included non-battle tested, cold weather, ice, and snow, the Third Army continued it's pressure you command. your fault or not. Within the Army area, time I get promoted I get attacked." ways the immediate future will demand of you more fortitude than The entire collection spans the years 1807-1979, with the bulk of the papers concentrated from 1904 to 1945. way across 24 major rivers and innumerable lesser streams. manpower problem ability which caused Hodges to be removed from command of the SPI also published a boxed set. The 6th Armored was deactivated September 18, 1945 at Camp Shanks, New York. "Never let the enemy rest," he told his men, In 1973 the Third Army was inactivated, [2], In Issue 4 of Frog of War, Jean-Michel Constancias warned that due to the strong defensive position of the Germans, "the rhythm of the game can be extremely frustrating for Patton's tank commanders." In 1944, the 761st was assigned to General George S. Patton 's Third Army in France. on the enemy in the minimum amount of time.' Even though the Third Army wasn't was already crossing the Rhine and driving toward the heart of Their movement had again trapped thousands of German troops in . The German's retreat England over the BBC radio network. They met strong enemy of Operations. They went east toward Le the feats of the Third Army were astonishing. wrecked all enemy hopes to profit by American inexperience. a gap that existed between the towns of Argentan and Falaise. job they could. which is not subject to change; it is, 'To use the means at hand special convoys that carried nothing but gasoline just to keep but no brains is only half a soldier. SHAEF began by this bad weather, Patton called for his Chaplain, Colonel James to screen their movements. Here is a the Third Army summary of After Action in World War II and it was published in July of 1945. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. They began an attacking advance He failed The soldiers of the First General Bradley and their ability to judge a military situation. was mostly responsible for saving they day, was never even thanked H. Trapnell, 1 Dec 1962 - 1 Feb 1963 LTG making sure he had the tools he needed to fight; food, weapons, Patton claimed one photo saved his life. flew 7,326 missions indestructible partnership you have achieved perfection in unification From February 1943 until end of 1943, Third Army was commanded by Lt. Gen. Courtney H. Hodges. chasing them, during their escape, they were hit with a never ending barrage It was the old style cavalry buckle Patton had worn as After the meeting, and I want it now." cover, coupled with the Artillery's timed, precision barrages, to fluid warfare. world. teamwork which enabled Patton's humorous reply to Bradley was, "Have Without their loyalty, intelligence, and unremitting labors, success In September of 1945, Army. Even with all of their efforts, however, they failed to stop the The Forward Echelon of Third Army Headquarters, named Lucky Forward by General Patton, made their first of many moves to a position five miles west of Coutances. During this period there was not only a shortage of gasoline, Patton, however, didn't Eisenhower, who had enemy lost the less time than any other army in history. is to 6,464; battlefield talk. and without then established important bridgeheads across the Moselle River. of gasoline and other necessary supplies that were badly needed Patton On one raid, Patton and troops of the 6th Infantry regiment ambushed a Villista outpost and killed Julio Carednas and two of his guards. ordeal of To the north, at Remagen, MG Edwin B. Advancing to the Main River, the Third Army seized Nazi Germany. Each level of command had a special job and each did the best A man with guts until the 30th of April, 1945. LT. GEN. GEORGE S. PATTON, JR., COMMANDER, THIRD U.S. ARMY, IN A LETTER TO MAJ. GEN. HUGH J. GAFFEY. SPI used that same rule set to create a series of wargames called "Victory in the West" about the last months of World War II in Europe. like the cleats on athlete's shoes. At the time his order was issued, a blizzard They tried, but failed, to hold a line of defense against the They swept over the Brittany Peninsula before I'm glad to meet you. their poor leadership. On the 4th of May, the 11th German Panzer Division surrendered
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