It is my constitutional right to privacy. I hung up immediately and called the sheriff. Matthew J. Holian, "Data and the American Dream: Contemporary Social Controversies and the American Community Survey" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) (Podcast Episode) Movies, TV, Celebs, and more. Now the latest. Survey questions were proposed by health care workers within each dialysis unit. I am glad I am not myself the lunatic fringe. they will tell you its the law, but since when do we have to answer to the government who lives in our house and who they are related to and what time we go to work, what time to we return? The guy at FEMA said he needed my closing statement-I had sent that in but removed all the dollar amounts as that was none of their business. I told that I had already fulfilled my Constitutional duties as a citizen with my mailed-in short form, and then told her the ACS and her harassment of me in my home is unconstitutional. I am a tax paying, hard working citizen, who would die fighting for my country and my rights, but didn't our forefathers already settle this fight? Get class action lawsuit news sent to your inbox sign up for ClassAction.orgs free weekly newsletterhere. The American Community Survey is mailed to 2.5% of the American population to collect statistical information for city planning. I sent in the Census form (and that's all I'm required to provide). The first cluster of COVID-19 cases emerged out of Wuhan, China, at the end of 2019. I don't think they are even aware of how intrusive this is. It has been done since 1790, and is mandated by the Constitution. The only one who seemed to do anything on it was Freedom Watch Judge Napolitano. I even gave them the date I mailed it on. We pay as much tax as a so called socialist country about 40 percent, but get nothing in return. I feel empowered. I am an American! I do not think I should have to give out that kind of information. The worker harassed him and told him he had to answer the question or he would be in trouble with the police. That went into the fire. Report Inappropriate Content You will not be fined. Who are these people and why are they telling me I am obligated by law to provide my personal information to some one or some entity I don't know. This United States Supreme Court case has never been overturned. [3] The purpose of the decennial census is to apportion the 435 members in the U.S. House of Representatives among the several states. I am filling out the ACS as required by law, but feel this is a true invasion of privacy. Smile. I'll see "YOU" on the tube."You Tube". Here's what it says online: The American Community Survey is a legitimate survey conducted by the CensusBureau. The next day I got an e-mail saying that the "government guy" was OK with it and that I should return the form. and gently close the door. I pay my taxes honestly, obey the laws of the land, don't speed, don't spit on the sidewalk and I will always open the door for a lady. While I also oppose the Census form being sent out, -anon70698, the number of representatives and taxes will be determined by the number of people in the area is what Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution is about. Also, it can't hurt to tell your representatives. --Paul. [5] Where did they get the data? 8) Stop embezzling trillions of tax payers dollars for fraudulent purposes. About a month ago (August 2010) I received my first ACS phone inquiry. She said she must have my name, home address which I gave. Anyone who took the time to actually read the ACS and understand how sensitive this information is and how unsecured it actually is would join in the outrage and demand that it be given its proper burial in the grave of horrible bureaucratic policy. The government is over stepping it's boundaries with such personal questions. Start Here . The $5,000.00 fines referenced in section 3571 are post conviction fines that only apply to an individual who has been charged and convicted of a crime defined in section 3559. I let her know that I understood their game and wasn't going to play, and she said she would record me as a refusal. I don't even tell my grown kids this much information. Today's call is being recorded. For our government to function basic knowledge about the country as a whole, and individual states is required. And for every intentionally false response to a question, the fine is $500. You want me to put the popcorn in the freezer?" BTW my survey went into the guinea pig cage, it will come out the same it went in: crap. They have no right to know. Granted, I'm sure they can find it, but the census would have had to use some powers beyond their department to find it, since I intentionally left that form blank on the 2010 census. Then you've got them by the balls. Avoiding them will not really be possible since we have a houseful of teenagers who will most likely keep answering the door. I also mentioned that unless a US Marshal from the Justice Department accompanied him, I would simply ignore him and would call the police if further harassed. I also refused the deputy entrance for the purpose of a census and said that I wished them both to leave as I would not comply. As a result, Congressional districts will need to be redrawn. If people answer the survey maybe they will get the funding to have proper educational programs. The ACS is not part of the enumeration required by Article I of the Constitution, and that constitutional provision only applies to a census for purposes of counting the number of people in each state. I hollered at the door that "I'm a crippled senior and DO NOT open my door unless its my kids". she yelled through the door announcing her name & bla bla "census, have some questions for you"..I'll just leave my card & you can call me next week!". Daily calls (five or six) two invasive questionnaires mailed, and now intimidating and threatening phone calls. I am not telling them anything. I set it aside. At that point I stepped in and said goodbye. That alone, in the wrong hands; is reason NOT to respond to such a blatant abuse of power. I answered nothing else and therefore did not lie on a government form. In other contexts, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that citizens have no obligation to answer questions posed by the government and are free to refuse to do so. Get over yourselves! [24] I don't see what the big deal is. These people are trying to "do their jobs", but there are better ways to make a living, one that doesn't help enslave Americans even further with more "government help" and ultimately, taxation. I replied I would answer no questions. [6] FORM. We are given dominion (care) over so much and neglect it, destroy it, and enslave it. SEC-502-RS-Dispositions Self-Assessment Survey T3 (1) Techniques DE Separation ET Analyse EN Biochimi 1; C799 Task 2 - Task 2 paper; . While there is no specific wording in the Bill of Rights regarding the rights of privacy. Your name, address and phone number (front cover of the ACS), 2. Year: 2021. Today I received a notice in the mail from the Census Bureau Director, Robert M. Groves, advising me that next week I'll receive a 2010 Census form in the mail and would I fill it out and mail it in promptly. Browse our collection of stories and more. We will then see them online. That is what I've allowed them to do. We have received phone calls. And to poster 201: the survey is much more intrusive than asking how many people live in your household. When are they going to get the hint and stop? I may answer the door this time, but my attitude is going to be that I won't allow this to cause me any more stress than deciding what toppings I want on my pizza. And my financial business is my business, provided I pay my bills and taxes which I do. If they refuse, call 911 and report a hostile trespasser. I too am grateful for this site. Don't touch them and if they do touch you, even slightly, fall down and don't get up until an ambulance arrives. It ridiculously says that the form is to help know where to put roads, schools, etc. We did not support and defend the Constitution for this crap. It seems what is good for the goose is not good for the gander. I have contacted all of my federal and state Representatives and it is time they passed a census privacy act. I've heard rumors that they will send their people to relentlessly pound on my door for answers, and then start canvassing the neighborhood to find the answers to the questions that were on my form, about me. Did not need the closing statement. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. Learn about two important Census Bureau surveys covering housing data, the American Community Survey (ACS) and the American Housing Survey (AHS). Enough is enough and get real. It's is reminiscent of Hitler's rise to power. I feel that a class action lawsuit should be started. U.S. Census Bureau Notice and Consent Warning You are accessing a United States Government computer network. I hope this helps. Sure, businessmen could use the info -- but because someone wants it, doesn't mean that I have to give it. There is no legal obligation for you to answer their questions. Just remember that most of these people are decent people who need money to eat just like the rest of us, especially in these hard times. They left me a message to call them back and referred me to a case number. We aren't answering these questions for anyone unless they show up and arrest me and a judge makes me do it in court. They have nothing but their own agenda in mind and any semblance of control we think we have is just that -- a semblance. And, further, we cannot wire tap calls coming into this country from suspected terrorists, but we can create bogus laws to try to make us fill out the ACS which provides more personal information than any wire tap could on american citizens. don't let this happen! Should you have further questions or need legal assistance in exercising your constitutional rights, please contact the Legal Department at And if I choose to comply, the only information they will get from me would be the number of people living in my house. BUREAU OF JUSTICE STATISTICS. Perhaps the people who did not answer the questions do not want to end up like the Japanese Americans did during World War II when the census was used to track them down, and it took 50 years to find out about it! I just left a "Tea Party" I found out I'm not the only 1 that was asked to fill out two census forms, one asking me if I could go up and down stairs, how long it takes for my husband to go to work, how does he get there,how many rooms is in my house, do I have flush toilets, what kind of health insurance, how much is my house payment, insurance on my house, do I have insurance, etc. Why don't you post the number in your family, their names, ethnic profile, give us your address and then, we will consider giving merit to your post. I'm a 59 year old retired female and as a rule, I never 'buck' the system -- until now. Many Supreme Court cases revolve around the privacy that a legal US citizen has and honestly, how the Census Bureau thinks that these would even be accurate answers is a joke! There should be a law against this. i get home don't even get out of the parking lot, she pulls up. [22] Know your stuff and don't compromise! A: The ACS contains questions that go far beyond typical census questions about the number of individuals within the household and their age, race, and sex. The California State Data Center generates reports and tabulations from data files released by the U.S. Census Bureau. Interpreting the change between April 1, 2000, and a five-year average for 2015- 2) Explaining that you will answer one personal question for every personal question they answer on camera. This is just crap. OK, we all agree that our rights have been violated. Of course, I had no clothes on, not expecting a peeping tom to be looking out of the woods in the first place. I never did get ahold of the idiot at Commerce- she sure had lots of vacation time. The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) is a national measure of customer satisfaction since 1994, trusted by US government and reflecting annual feedback from . I would like to inform all participants that your lines have been placed on a listen-only mode until the question-and-answer session of today's call. Person 22. So before you go crying about your rights being violated, try actually reading the document that has given you these rights. anon10731 is obviously a census worker!!!!!! For example, in 2013 after the 2010 census, Florida gained two seats in the House, while New York lost two. Comparing the American Community Survey and the Population Estimates Program (February 17, 2021) Coordinator: Welcome and thank you for standing by. My hubby has served this country for over 30 years, we are about to retire and what a lovely retirement gift we are receiving (NOT)!.Harassment, compliments of the government, just lovely (NOT). What Percent of the US Population do Teachers Comprise? 2018] IN DEFENSE OF THE AMERICAN COMMUNITY SURVEY 113 surveys.18 After the 2000 Census, the Bureau chose to eliminate the long form and use a yearly survey instead.19 In 2006, the Bureau fully implemented the ACS throughout the United States.20 The ACS is now conducted yearly, and includes much of the same data requested by the 2000 long form.21 In . Uncle Sam gets my money but what happens in my home stays in my home. Without the enjoyment of this right, all others would lose half their value. [The bracketed words added for clarification], Interstate Commerce Commission v. Brimson, 154 U.S. 447, 479 (May 26, 1894). Like many, I received the original short census form, completed it and mailed it back immediately. Protect yourselves and your privacy, don't complete the form! I will sleep well tonight. Where do we call to report this abuse? Just had our 10th home visit from census people! "When the people fear their government there is tyranny. Thanks! i love my country and its freedom and its up to us to keep the communism out!! I live in the ghetto already. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS I told him if he was good at counting, he could try counting my angry rottweilers as he ran for his life. The public also plays a role in the erosion of our judiciary. To all the census takers who have the nerve to put their 2 cents here to tell us how safe it is, why don't you also post your personal information for us? I took his form and tossed it into the wood stove. Despite federal guarantees of increased funding, laws against not completing the questionaire and the Constitution clearly stating that every U.S. resident should be counted, both Census data and. I say the heck with Big Brother, ours is going in the garbage, and I'm no longer answering their calls (love caller ID)! What time do I leave for work, -26:00 in the afternoon. [2] Jill Wilson, R.I.P., Census Long Form, New Republic, May 12, 2010. Commission, 32 Fed. If you got grilled before then they are trying to find out the change in your situation over time. A: Those who do not answer the ACS risk repeated overturesby mail, by phone and in personfrom Census Bureau employees seeking to compel a response. :0 We shall not be intimidated! And so is mine. [12] This is a bunch of crap. When does their employment end, and shouldn't they be thanking these non-compliant people for extending their pay a bit longer? First time around it ended with phone calls and then they I was given a $25 gift card at the Home Depot. The American Community Survey is an offshoot of the census, but the ACS is done every year. Then came the second one,it followed the first. At least they are working instead of collecting welfare checks. This is way too intrusive. This also happened the last time. You want me to trust the census with information that is very private? In July, I started to receive visits. She returned the following day. Hence, you have answered the only question required by the constitution and you might have even increased the possibility for more representatives! [1] The Rutherford Institute, a national nonprofit civil liberties organization, is deeply committed to protecting the constitutional freedoms of every American and the integral human rights of all people through its extensive legal and educational programs. Quite honestly, you are not that important. Once at 6:11, 7:15, and then 8:05. No, they aren't good people just trying to make a living as some might say. You send it in it could become public information. Don't remember getting the long form but if I did, I would have tossed it unopened since I already did my duty filling out the census and mailing it in. Two days later, I was standing on my porch. We just got the letter today, to expect the questionnaire. They can go to hell. She was really trying to get the information and finally gave up and told me she will write down that I refused. I sure am glad I ran across this site. Let me get this straight: we cannot ask an illegal alien for papers because of racial profiling but we can try to force american citizens to fill out the ACS which has profiling information in every question? I have written to the senators of my state and didn't even receive a 'canned' response. then maybe somebody will get the hint that we don't want our lives invaded. First, it may get lost or stolen and second, you don't know who these people are that you are giving it to. [7] This is not for every citizen, so we will not participate. He first announced the effect on Congressional districts based on the Population shifts from the Northeast to the South and Southwest. Instead of hiring mindless sheep to bother busy, honest, hard working people, the government can hire people to scour the internet for this "readily available information". Be sure to document any interactions you have with Bureau representatives for your own files. Let's get them to spread the word. Subscribe to our newsletter and learn something new every day. I just hope one of them won't be on my 'case.'. (I was astonished to note that apparently only about 12,000 households have resisted so far.) Lock A week later, a woman came to my door and said they hadn't received my form. I then yelled at him to "beat it" - (since he could see me and it was obvious that I knew he was there.). And if they threaten you, video record all of this exchange. Is the enemy offshore or some creep in a bloated Federal Dept we don't even need? I've been through it. 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) Census region x Metro/Non-metro 2020 CPS March Supplement Volunteerism 2021 American Trends Panel Annual Profile Survey/2019 CPS Volunteering & Civic Life Supplement . First from a phone bot then yesterday a phone call from a real person. I was not in a hurry since I already had done this once. No one has been fined for failure to comply, and no one ever will be. My advice based on our experience thus far -- and I am not a lawyer -- just ignore the calls to the best of your ability, and if you answer by accident, simply hang up without conversation. I felt like cursing this lady out! So give them a call or send an e-mail and see if someone there can help stop the phone calls. Then we find out she is our next-door neighbor! A March 2021 national survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation showed that of 1300 HCWs, 48% had not received the COVID-19 vaccine. The census collectors or enumerators can ask for some sensitive and detailed information, such as salary or income. Last night I found an envelope on my door from a census taker. That seems to be the end of it, but only time will tell. She noticed that I was very irritated and told me that she just needs the number of people who live here and ages. I am so glad to once again stand up for my individual rights. I googled the name and phone number, found out their spouses name where they lived, etc. I asked them what does my birthday have to do with enumeration count of my household? So he then left. [3] U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3. By the way, from what I read in Title 13, the max they can fine you is $100 for not filling out the form, or max $500 for false information. Washington and California residents have filed a class action in which they object to being asked to participate in the American Community Survey. Enumeration. Twice, a person showed up at our door. I love my country and I'm proud to be an American. A: The Census Bureau states that information from this survey is used to assist a wide variety of entities, from federal, stateand local governments to private corporations, nonprofit organizations, researchersand public advocacy groups. We've had non-stop, unannounced visits by the same census taker, who continues to drive-by the home multiple times during the day. Unlike the 10-year Census, this survey runs all year, every year. Seemed like they try to collect more info than they need but will give in if you call them on their crime. But it hasn't ever needed to be collected by a government agency that is supposed to serve WE, the people and then threatens us with fines, treating good citizens like criminals (I thought counting people was like one, two, three, four,?). My wife and I were not home at the time the census work stopped by. Decennial Census. (ACS questions 1, 3 and 4), 3. When he refused, the employee turned up twice unannounced at my apartment, demanding entry, and warning me of the fines I would face if I didn't cooperate.[35] Only after he filed a complaint with the Census Bureau did the agency realize he had actually completed the survey, thus ending its attempts to enter his home. Q: Does everyone in the United States receive the American Community Survey? There were laws in place to protect those people and they were not protected. I am becoming more and more ashamed I fought for this newly founded socialist government. The Census sites say as much if you read them, something like 'well wee don't really want to fine anyone'. 5.6K views 5 years ago The Wild Life #53 FULL EPISODE: Have you ever heard of the U.S. Census Bureau's "American Community Survey"? It can't be done if the government is a complex, dishonest mess. Most U.S. representatives have local offices. . So keep your information private and don't give in. I also feel for the ones who fought and died for us, who spit in their graves. May the Lord grant my fellow citizens victory in their battles with this unconstitutional invasion of privacy, too. Miss. In addition, some point to the possibility of human error as a security concern over such personal and confidential information.
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