I got bruises on my upper thighs and I am seeing them very often only on upper thighs what could be the possible reason ?? Hi, DeAngela. My legs have been getting more and more bruises lately and on top of that Ive been getting itchy everywhere!!! I have 2 brusies on my legs after my days of running my hip started hurting and after I got two bruises I'm only 14 and I don't why I that happened. He/she knows your medical history and current conditions best. Thanks for reading Shine365 and reaching out, Mak. Hi, Elzbet. 2. Ive been doing the stretches and finally used the meds when I couldnt tolerate the pain anymore. I had these strange long, thin, line-like bruises across my upper thighs. We cannot provide medical advice on this platform. Please contact your primary care provider for concerning bruises. Would you suggest I see my primary family medicine doctor or my neurologist. Hi, Rabia. We recommend talking to your primary care doctor first so that they can learn more and since they know your medical history. At a checkup the doctor noticed my bruises and being mandatory reporters had to do testing. I always get bruises all over my body by barely even touching things or having them rest on me. I did have cervical cancer about 10 yrs ago and I do have low iron and have to take supplements so I'm use to minor bruises but nothing like this. If you are concerned about your recent bruises, it is best to contact your doctor who is familiar with your current conditions and medical history. Sometimes only a slight bump results in a nasty bruise. I have a bruise on my entire spine. I sleptwalked last Friday night and completely missed a flight of 4 stairs, landing hard on my bottom on the landing of the steps. I have the big bruise on the back of my calf on the right side. If you are not one of our patients, we do suggest you ask your doctor about these concerns at your next appointment. Have you showed your doctor? The bruises are usually on my lower legs but I also get bigger bruises on my thighs. Its totally normal if it is. I had an injury in the calf months ago. We strongly recommend reaching out to your doctor about the bruising you are experiencing as soon as possible. This is partly because we want to protect your privacy. If you're a Marshfield Clinic patient, we welcome you to message your care team via My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. None of the bruises hurt but i havent been feeling well lately, and i know i couldnt have hit the back of my knee like that. Any idea what could cause them? "Unexplained bruising usually appears on the arms and lower legs. Hi, i'm currently pregnant and got blood work done 8 days ago once the lady placed the needle in my arm she said it wasn't releasing blood she missed the vein and instead of pulling it out to try again she started to wiggle the needle left to right and finally said okay i found the vein but it is coming really slow its gonna take awhile after leaving i got a huge bruise on the top of my arm where she placed the needle it's at least 2 inches long and hasn't gotten better; it started off not that dark and as days go on its like dark purple almost as if blood in under my arm leaking and its black and green. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission. I am sorry, but I would not have any recommendations for pediatric patients. There is a problem with i'm wondering why i've got a random bruise on my left arm, in between the inner wrist and elbow. The bruise has subsided after a few weeks but there is a small lump felt in my leg internally. If it is a skin yeast "infection" you could try taking Acidophilus caplets, the yeast do not like it. Are you a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient? I have not gone to a Dr. yet. You should contact a nurse line or the doctor who prescribed you antibiotics. Have you contacted your doctor? We reached out to an oncology/hematology nurse practitioner on our team and here was her advice: "Sometimes bruises come out of nowhere because we dont always notice when or if we bumped against something or were grabbed by someone or working outside (sometimes new activities such as yardwork after a long winter of doing nothing) now brings sore muscles or bumps/bruises without even realizing. I hear cracks all the time and feel them in my back. Been there a couple of days, non trauma related. He/she will be most familiar with your medical history and current conditions. It has been increasing. We cannot give medical advice specific to you on our blog. Usually, bruises or hematomas appear after a blow or injury in a particular area. It was extremely painful for the first two days and looked worse each day. What should I do? They can best advise you due to their knowledge of your past medical conditions. Then one day it literally hit me, when I was rushing from the babys room to the kitchen & ran right into the dining room table. They can best advise you due to their knowledge of your past medical conditions. In the mean time, you may find these stories helpful: Thanks x I tend to get small dot like bruises in high numbers on my neck and on the eyelids sometimes after I had sex. Bruises look like tiny dots. One of the reasons noted in our article for seeing a doctor includes 'You notice a lot more bruises than normal.' Please contact your primary care provider for concerning bruises. If your symptoms match any of the six reasons to see a doctor about unexplained bruising that we noted in the article, we strongly recommend contacting your provider. What could be wrong? I'm sorry this is happening to you. I fell on a section of stairs and landed on my bum, thus was 3 days ago. Confronting abusive injuries in dermatology: Ethical and legal considerations. I have several on my upper thighs (both legs) I just ended my monthly and started taking liquid b12 supplement for energy.within the same amount of timeframe Ive noticed a lump on the outer wall of my private area.Im worried and will be seeking advice from a doctor tomorrow.. Hi i have small purple spots on my fore arm they appear often and take a while to go away, no pain no soreness just appear, they look like small raisins , should i worry? Anti depressants are a cause of bruising, but thats an very unusual place. I have had 2 lumps that are darkly bruised n my groin area since lockdown so roughly 13 weeks still the same should I be concerned ???? I am having bruises in my thigh almost every day with a maximum of 3 each day for almost a week, today I do a Complete Blood Count. Your doctor is most aware of your medical history and can best advise you. This may be caused by: A medicine, such as aspirin or blood thinners ( anticoagulants ). I should also mention that a few days agoI noticed a purple and blue mark on my arm and I can't recall bumping into anything. I have also had the gastric sleeve surgery 2 years ago. Its about an inch long. Hi Are you a Marshfield Clinic patient? And its like once I start scratching I literally cant stop and my legs get hot. But the bruise on my stomach not sure why or how it got there. If you are a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient, you can message your doctor on My Marshfield Clinic: http://marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. My mom is 65 years old an shes in a wheel chair since 1988 we was in a car accident anyways it's been about a year my mom has had these bruses they don't go away there spreading all over her body know there going on her face no 1can tell her what it is she has gone to 2 specialist an no one can tell her what it is my poor mom is starting to get depressed there big all over her body. The condition seems to occur more often in middle-aged women than in any other age group. Where did the new bruises come from? They can best advise you due to their knowledge of your medical history and past conditions. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. Exact same colour same part of my thigh but on the other leg. I have a large and small bruise appeared on my inner thigh do t how I got it I noticed it about 3 days ago and now a small One has appeared on my elbow But I havent knocked myself what could it be. Bruising occasionally indicates a more serious medical condition. Now I bruise easily but was concerned about the repeated bruising because I had a sister with ITP as a child. Hi Gretchen , Did you ever get answers to your bruises? I am not sexually active and except for the appearance, I would have never known I have this bruise? Therefore, discuss with a doctor who can examine and clarify if it is normal or needs treatment. As always, we do suggest bringing this concern to your provider during your next appointment. Do you think they're related? You can try a symptom checker like the one found on WebMD (https://symptoms.webmd.com/default.htm), though we strongly suggest you see your doctor when anything unusual or concerning arises. Blood platelets are specific cells that exist within the blood. I'm a woman the age of 41 and the same thing has started happening to me. Because your care team is familiar with your medications, conditions and medical history, they can give you the most certain answers to your questions. However, we cannot provide medical advice on this platform. Thank you for reaching out. I havent hurt it or hit it it has just appeared. I'm assuming you have medical school background so how about you be helpful and give educated guesses at what might be wrong w the people coming to this blog asking for help. Hi, It started about size and shape of an sideways almond, and now about a small egg. Im not a doctor, but i had exactly what you are describing..and i went into my cardio thinking it was my chf, or neuropathy, and it was P.A.D. Bruises can mean a variety of things, or nothing at all. The blood product of this rupture leaks to the soft tissue under the skin, resulting in those dark-colored marks that usually take several weeks to disappear. If you're waiting to see your doctor, you can try online resources like WebMD: https://symptoms.webmd.com/default.htm, Hi i am 26 and i keep getting bruises all over my legs including my upper thighs. Due to their knowledge of your medical history and past conditions, they can best advise you. But I dont fault Kirsten S. or Shine 365. They started a little bit after the beginning of my soccer season, but that might just be a coincidence. Hi, Maddy. He/she can best help you. Like most teens I was very active and didn't take care of myself the best. Same! Easy bruising and bleeding are common symptoms of leukemia. Yesterday while doing light housework, I had that same sudden pain, only on the side of my knee. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can contact your provider through messaging via My Marshfield Clinic: https://marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. Your I was wondering if you possible had a reason for all this bruising. It extends downward through the inside of my leg & is much smaller & lighter in color on the inner side of my leg, about halfway to the knee. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here. These form when blood pools under your skin. There was mild pain (like a golf ball), burning pain and an aching feeling which have all subsided just a week ago but the light plum colored bruising which goes all the way back to the buttocks and 1/2 down thighs is still there. They are most aware of your medical history and past conditions so they can best advise you. There is no reason for them to be there as I didnt hurt myself. They also can appear on the lower legs. Thought My husband did it while im sleeping but he swore he didnt do ot now im very concern. WebAchenbach syndrome refers to sudden, unexplained bruising of one or more fingers. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "MayoClinic.org," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. This makes blood vessels easier to damage Hi, Elizabeth. I recommend being seen very soon.". I saw their bruises and noticed they kept increasing without any outside cause. Thank you for your question. For me, it is naturally on my legs and on my feet. I have like five small circle bruises on my lower leg with a scab but I dont remember running into anything? I just feel stupid going in and saying that Im there because my legs bruised. The bruises seem to be in the same place on both arms. She should NOT be driving at all and needs to see a Doctor right away! Is this something random or should I be concerned? I'm surprised nobody's said nothing yet, this blog is a joke as are the people running it. https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/ The bruises aren't painful, but uncomfortable and itchy. Hi. Hi, Tasha. What causes bruising in my back, it's been there for months and went to the doctor to check my blood and everythings normal. Hi my husband had a bruise on his right side and now that's gone away but now he has a bruise on his left side should I be concerned. I am 60 .do you think it's old age .hope you can help .thank you . Best wishes, Angela. Hi, Dee. Hi. We are unable to provide individualized medical advice on this platform. I didn't pay much attention to it, as I do have Raynaud's. Easy bruising is common with age. 1. You can do this at any regular appointment. We recommend contacting your doctor about the bruising you are experiencing. It's best to bring this concern to your doctor who knows you best. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on our blog. For starters. Steroids (Prednisone, Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone) Painkillers Im having the same type of problem with bruising. I don't know if i should c my doctor just for nothing. The size of a pencil eraser . Weve updated the story to reflect this. Accessed March 14, 2022. Accessed March 14, 2022. Can you bruise a bruise, can you have a bruise then get another bruise? A bruise, or contusion, is caused when blood vessels are damaged or broken as the result of a blow to the skin. Someone please help!! I broke my right leg April 2017 and for years ihave had unexplained itching on my entire body but as gor the last 1.5 years I've been getn unknown bruises the sometimes are just hard lumps under my skin on my arms n lower legs and sometimes will bruise sometimes will staybnormal color just a hard lump. Seniors experience physical changes as they age. But it wasnt preceded by any pain or itching like when I get in my size or my fingers or toes. They usually heal within 2 to 4 weeks. There are two knots in the middle where it cleared. What time will I spend on a healing routine ? Don't even know how it happened. We strongly recommend that you call your doctor as soon as possible or if this is a medical emergency, you call 911. Additionally, our blog is meant to be educational, rather than to diagnose or treat. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. I have a bruise on my lower leg since July last year. People obviously came to this site thinking they'd get real answers and you just tell them to see their doctor like they haven't thought of that??? You can learn more about this in the Shine365 comment policy: https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/shine365-comment-policy/. He/she can best answer your question. Here's what Candy could provide in response to, "What does a regular period have to do with random bruising?" Vitamin deficiency. One cause of random bruising on legs or bruises that appear after a minor injury is a vitamin deficiency. For example, a lack of vitamin C can lead to scurvy which causes unexplained bruising and bleeding. Vitamin K is needed to help blood clot properly and prevent random bruising. Hi, Erinn. So strange. We suggest you reach out to him/her regarding your bruising concerns. Cold hands accompanied by color changes can be a result of circulatory disturbances or injury. Thank you in advance! Lots of different size bruising round the front of my stomach then smaller ones going up each of my side's not sore not banged myself and only noticed them 2 943 months ago. One near the knee, one a bit lower, but I don't recall doing anything to my leg. Goldman L, et al., eds. I have a purple bruise at the back of my calf, it is the size of a 5 pence. She has no idea how they got there. Since that my brother had his wisdom teeth taken out, he has a night guard brace to stop him grinding his teeth in his sleep but his bruise is still on his cheek an it looks bigger. Sometimes only a slight bump results in a nasty bruise. Bruises that are odd looking or in unusual places could be cause for concern. Actinic purpura starts because of thin skin. If u know anything about bruising let me know or else please buzz off. Some medications and supplements associated with bruising include: Bring a list of your medications and how long youve been taking them if you plan to see a doctor about bruising. I called my doctor this morning and left a message with a nurse. Candy said bruising on the legs is not uncommon, "Unexplained bruising usually appears on the arms and lower legs. One is fading away quickly, n Another is fading away as well, but not faster as the other one, Hi i am 29yrs old female n i seem to get random bruises on my arms n legs (places varies) but they look like they r a few days old when they start to show on my skin n i haven't done anything to acquire them no accidents or bums i have always gotten them since i was in my late teens n just brushed it off thinking I'm taking vitamins or iron what should i do???
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