Like most I was heading down a rough path in my life and my parents felt something drastic needed to happen before I made choices that could jeopardize my future. I suddenly became a level 5 what a joke. I was strip-searched upon arrival. ? Mike Linderman deserves to be in jail. This has been going on longer then you think.I was taken to the Spring Creek when I was 16yrs old back then they called it a school for troubled teens ,that was back in the 80s same place older buildings some that you lived in we were made to build,it was school and work detail ( manual labor) forced on you , punished with all food taken shunned by other kids at the(community) verbal scare tactics.All payed for by our so called parents,its been going on for decades,and still is.The land and the buildings were spring creek is needs to torn down and let go back to natural forests nothing good ever happened there or ever will.I feel for all of you that were taken there I really do. Your email address will not be published. Like practically all of you I was sent to Spring Creek Lodge when I was very young, during an already crucially, incredibly horrific time in my life. I was never the same after leaving the program. IG: Ke90227. My parents came and picked me up in March because they knew I would actually just bail. It was a fast and easy program for those that wanted to work it.. I could not talk to boys. If my child ever reads this I want her to know that I am sorry. You could tell this was just a laid-off lumberjack who needed the health insurance. Private Spring Creek Fishing Come enjoy our private Spring Creek located on our ranch in Paradise Valley. I was one of the few who got away. Seeing as how we were not allowed to exchange personal contact information during our time there. I remember u from the swing dance pep rally I think. I was in the excel family. Was there until 2001. My ass is still sore. They assured the girl she could call her mom that night and thats what got her off of my truck. Its far in the rear view now and more than success stories, I see shattered spirits and people never able to function. Yeah you must be a staff member hahahahaha. He was amazing on a mountain bike! Fucking wild. Maybe he figures were too f-ing stupid to look into the people we hope to glean some advice and guidance from. I didnt want this to be our lives and I didnt want to be responsible for this shit and I just wanted to go home. I remember you John! I was in Spring Creek Lodge from 1999- 2000. I first got some place in Utah. I was in the Genesis family. that is hilarious! Thank God the program is shut down!!! I loved working with the students and trying to help them work through their problems and difficult situations. Really hated Colby and his Colby-quences. I only say that cause I think he was from LA like you said. I think I remember Eugene because he had a hearing aid that he used to let me wear for fun, and he was an awesome kid from California, too. Anyway thankful for your post Brann id enjoy a conversation with you anytime, My name is Chris and I attended Spring Creek Lodge for 6 months in 2003 all I can say is the horror stories are spot on the neglect was real the psychological and physical abuse was real and The Hobbit which only people that have gone to the school will understand what Im talking about pretty much destroyed any self-worth that I had when I requested my exit plan I was given a ride to the nearest homeless shelter and the clothes on my back in the middle of winter I am so glad the school is shut down and I have the utmost hatred for both the school the staff and my parents who still to this day stand behind what they did I hope to God anybody that is stuck in a program like this run run run run it is the only hope and when they let loose the dogs make sure they tear your face off so that you have the physical proof of what they do I know for a fact that use dogs at Spring Creek Lodge to track down students who have ran I only know this because I was put on junior staff privilege and sent on a Manhunt for a lower class student who had ran this school actually had measures and plan taught to their staff in the case that somebody ran or in the case that somebody tried to hurt themselves simply because it happened so frequently and the staff made sure to downplay anything that was going on at the school that would be construed as detrimental to the well-being of a minor the two men at the head of this ship should be held for their crimes and being given the the chair if you ask me which would be fitting because all we would have to do is tell him that its worksheet sit on your stool and stare at the wall only for him there would be no release after 24 hours of sitting on the stool this may sound like a rant or exaggeration but all I can say is I have not construed the truth in any way if you want any more details feel free to contact me I will speak freely about everything that went on at that school if thats what you want to call it, My name is Chris and I attended the school in 2003 I currently live in Phoenix Arizona and when I read your story about the desert I thought maybe you would still be around here if you are I would totally be down to talk to you Im going through a little bit myself now that I am in my 30s and the flashback of this period of my life are starting to dominate my current psyche I think maybe if I was able to connect with some other people that understood what I went through I might be able to talk of the flashback if you would be okay talking with me please by all means give me a call my phone number is 602-596-3046, Looks like this isnt a very active place to post anymore, but I just wanted to state that I think I have everyone beat in a few ways. Im dumb founded why anyone in there right mind would stay at this place voluntarily. Just then, I look up and see a young girl, hispanic, walking the tracks passed our crews and out onto the long tall bridge. If you have questions or feedback about this data, get help at and Would she be pushed and prodded to say what they want. At its peak it housed over 500 students. We went through another long blur of trekking through the mountains. I believe we all got something out of being in SCL, if even it is just strength. I tried to get a little distance before slowing down and stopping. Enjoy unique accommodations right on the water. All these rivers are the perfect alternative to the private spring creek fishing on the McCoy Spring Creek Ranch. When we arrived in Montana there were only a handful of kids already thereI think you & I were part of the 2nd group to arrive, and there were maybe 5 of us I think who arrived in that van trip? Its been a long time, but it would be nice to make life a little worse for the sycophantic freaks that ran that place and all the others. I dont think I will ever get past the trauma caused by SCL, and I know I can never forgive my parents for it either. 4,417 Total Acres. God this place sucked I was in unity family. God damn fuck that place so fucking much. We went on a work trip to some town kind of near by and we ran from there to a greyhound and had a girlfriend by us tickets to vegas. Have some more koolaid commys.. Spring Creek Campground & Trout Ranch Family Fun & Relaxation 257 Main Boulder Road (Hwy 298 S Mi 2.5 ) Big Timber, MT 59011 I Reservations: 406-932-4387 Sweet. Build lasting relationships with your best clients or reward your key employees with one of our custom built corporate fishing retreats. Thank you so much. I think they took my shoes for a month.i remember they would wake us up in the middle of the night and make us go sit on the basketball court for however long with barley any clothes. Good job!!! Another horrible practice was where they would have girls talk in public about their rape and then have everyone yell obscenities like whore you deserved it slut. Do you know it? I was in the hobbit over thanksgiving and also around christmas of the year 2000. I got threw in the habit in winter and was left to die. This was accomplished mainly by talking. For more information, log on to our web site at or give us a call at 406-222-6560. I was there in 2001, i remember being there. Jessica, I think I remember you. DePuy Spring Creek LLC PO Box 1184 Livingston, MT 59047 I wish there was a magic pill for that year of hell to go. Remember ? I was in the program from 02-03 I was in unity family. So after that I just walked out to the street and tried my luck hitchhiking only to be picked up by someone who knew Cameron and his gay ass brother. All the brainwashed nitwits tattling on family moms who broke the rules and were just trying to make our time a little more pleasurable. We never deserved that nor the awful mental and emotional repercussions that still longer and influence us today. It was quite an adventure. Stephanie. I remember my stay thers like it was yestetday. You can email me at Nicole Scribner, 406-827-6922. Some parents came during a tour and looked at us in special needs, it happened a couple times while I was in there. I recognize a lot of names from this thread but without last names and faces it is tough to place everyone. Each cabin was divided into four dormitories. Fuck every parent that ever sent their kids to this school. There I was to spend the next year and a half. Find out if there are any available rods on the day you want to fish! I was 15. The guy who conducted those warped seminarsDavid Gilcrease was his name, I thinkhe scared me. Mr. Dave was good people. I remember working in the kitchen as often as possible because we could cut up and have a good time. Few places on earth can match the picturesque beauty of the DePuy ranch with the Absaroka Mountains towering above a valley filled with deer, swans, cranes and bubbling trout waters. I wanna say Jason, not sureand there was the guitar playing guy Rich, or Rick (?) FAX 406-222-0744. I wonder whatever happened to Atfield? Its really disheartening to hear about the shared hopelessness we all felt. Whether or not there was any truth in this, it inspired me. The good news is I hear they are having major financial struggles. While I try not to judge others, as I dont know the particulars of what theyre going through with their kids, I just wouldnt and couldnt ever do that and feel that sending your kids away is giving up on them. I remember a few weeks in once it REALLY sank in I lost it. Currently, Cameron runs the Riverview program which is a summer camp with its dorms located on the old Cross Creek Manor property. that shit was awesome. Jenna did u get in trouble for note passing with a jr.staff ? I am looking for anyone who was at SCL in 2005. hate calling that camping ground with cabins a campus, I went to College Prep Schools in New England before SCC Referring to SCC as a school with a campus just perpetuates the lie Cawdrey fed our parents. I came to this site after reading that book, which is very positive about the experience. Bartend and enjoy a Montana adventure! Some birds arent meant to be caged. I was at Spring Creek Lodge Academy from March 2001 till May 2003. Bill with the good sci-fi. I was 14. Copyright 2021 Spring Creek Campground - All Rights Reserved. Cameron became my new guardian and made that perfectly clear when I got there. Livingston, MT 59047. Also 3 mi. It was attached to another dorm by a door, but we werent allowed to talk to the girls living there. Main water features of Lewistown Area include Crystal Lake, Judith River, Missouri River, Big Spring Creek, Warm Spring Creek, and Ft. Peck Lake. My name is Jessica I was in Serenity feoom 2003 to 2004. Toooo many memories to start. I remember there as a cold snap and it was -20 degrees below zero during the day and we had to go to an emergency cabin or freeze to death during a night that went down to -40. Lol, i left christmas day 2000. i was also in excel. Thank you, I was 13 years old and was told was the youngest student there at the time. I guess, I was envisioning a classroom, field trips, swimming, fishing, nature observation, hikes, maps / orienteering. Getting into fights. Hid them in the dryer tube ,every Sunday when we had to clean I would grab a pack , smoked them out the bathroom window at night. Eric Rios!! Improve or just stop. I soon learned that I could not call my parents. Josh was a good guy but we share a bad trait and that is a short fuse. I begged for help and they wouldnt help me. We are from Ohio. I was there too. lol of course im much much older and was dumb, we tried making the best situation out of a horrible one. This is the shit that bugged me out about this place you had kids trying to be super cops to other kids. How did she get away from you so many times? I got put in exile and literally had to sleep in the woods where everyone could see me but not talk to me I froze my ass off. but if you find out somting in this manner and confront him with it before hes ready it might backfire. Call it Jargon if you want, but there really are 2 types of people in this World, Givers and Takers, and there is no Wrong or Right, just Things that Work, and Things that Dont. On my survival our only girl Amanda wrecked her knee, like day 1 in Flagstaff so they shipped her out and apparently she stayed at he upper/main/school campus I was in unity family in 99 and 2000. They picked me up in the middle of the day. I guess thats what they felt they had to conform too,to try to program. Hahayes we called Eugene Little 2Pac I forgot about that nickname. It was a long blur of morning meetings where they inflicted their ideas about therapy upon us. People cheeking and trading meds, one guy evwn got caught smoking the one nug of weed he managed to smuggle in using an apple and a lighter he stole from one of the car of one of the many stoners they had working there. I was in Destiny family. The worst was everyday life. I was there winter session. Do you honestly think Mike Linderman is all that bad? I did make my decisions. In between the two I spent about a month a house on a lake with a loaded kitchen snakcks everywhere freedom. When I arrived i saw brainwashed kids everywhere I looked. That was way worse then Mr. Cliff whom lived of of mountain Dew soda and Mr Mike they where all right in my book. I have bad memories and that place took a lot of my good qualities and I didnt leave with them. Bullrun Spring Creek Ranch in Belgrade, Montana Spring Creek. Still havent heard from him love to find him one day he was a good partner. I get off work. In fact, I actually got away with not talking to anyone for a few months. It wasnt right. Now living outside OKC, very rural. You truly were my only friend j could trust there. We who were there knowand it will never go away. Armstrong originates from a series of underground springs on the O'hair ranch. Aw man this is definitely a a staff member. Whats up everyone. I dont think the winter event was normal. Remember Eric Sweptston? Any body on here go to camas in 06 trying to reunite I was sent there to finish school caught on to the brain washing and soon after staff that shit is about the only thing I said finally got through to parents after first seminar that happened at spring creek which was only time I saw the main facility but had heard plenty of stories of what happened there.if anybody was around camas in 06 hit me up on facebook. It all starts with hiring people qualified to care for kids. Anyway, Im doing good. Alex. Megan, do you remember me? Then got transferred to the ranch. Those asshole twins never submitted them. I watched a lot of people come and go my 27 months there. They moved us to Thomas Creek by the old 18+ girls facility and me and another kid John escaped. I was also in Serenitys Family tho I was there in 1999. This poor kid doesnt even know where he is and theyre going to torment him in a language he doesnt understand. I remember you, I believe. Live Water Properties is committed to providing an accessible website. Dan Peart is Robert Browning Litchfields brother-in-law. Damn, Hi Gavin! We were denied simple foods and forced to build snares to catch rodents for food. I spent twenty seven and a half months there. Our private spring creek is limited to just six anglers per day for an exclusive experience. Many prestigious local fly shops, guide services, and lodges participated in this business, including Frontier Anglers, the Yellowstone Angler, the Montana Angler, Healing Waters Lodge and the Five Rivers Lodge. I have heard too many rumors of people killing themselves after leaving. Then your going to get back to dick to butt and walk heel toe back to your family dorm to sit kuymbya in a circle with your family father and family counselor to read some shit you learned from the day before. I would make my nose bleed and went through a whole box of tampons and kept making my nose bleed. Shes a good kid but lies a LOT and hasnt made passing grades for years, so we are trying help her make better choices for herself and improve her situation, opening doors for her future. I also like to think of it as an Orwellian concentration or internment camp for minors, but I suppose the term private prison might be less offensive. You know what I am thinking of? I recall one of my kiddos was out there for staying up to late. It is the southernmost U.S. National Forest of California.It is administered by the U.S. Forest Service, a government agency within the United States Department of Agriculture. Places like this do not help kids. ONLY ENTER RIG LENGTH All sites will accommodate tow/towed vehicles. Dont get me started with special needs. email Judy O'Hair Man I used to huff gas at the motor yard. There were twenty bunk beds in our dorm all along the walls. They told me it was a Cat 4 and I needed to be removed to intervention. To past survives be well and good luck , Wow, 4 or 5 years before I was there. I will be released at the end of this year. I wont say I want to visit for closure because like previously stated my experience helped me, it did not harm me. If you have difficulty accessing content, have difficulty viewing a file on the website, or notice any accessibility problems, please contact us at 833.982.1964 to specify the nature of the accessibility issue and any assistive technology you use. Overall spring creek sucked but it wasnt a bad abusive place when I was there like everyone else has said atleast not in my experience lmao. has any of those in excel 01-02 heard from goddfree? I found your site after reading a cautionary review on of Teen Whisperer by Mike Linderman. He slit his wrists if I remember, but survived. I was also there before the 90s nicely done with your post, ive told a few people the same story pretty much verbatim, weird. I was in and out of worksheets/intervention from walking opposite direction as my (courage)family group on purpose to always keep the staff on their toes I guess you cn say I have a problem walking a straight line with others? Someone calls back to me that there is another missing girl on the tracks and to call this phone number. I was in Serenity family in 2002. Im now 30 soom to b 31. What people didnt see was my home life. Outdoor enthusiasts will enjoy the opportunity to work at the world's first Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star guest ranch and glamping destination. These technical fisheries originate from underground aquifers and flow cold and clear year round. I still listen to Tony Robbins and I know the answers on jeopardy when its related to old literature like the Canterbury Tales. Yeah they kinda encouraged that in our special cases didnt they. We shared rumors and strategies to get out. This allowed for a one meager meal a day as we marched over a rugged landscape that , though beautiful, was totally harsh. I fought it at first because I saw how ridiculous it was.