The two have finally got the chance to do the moment of what I can described as lovely. Being pushed, hated, and treated badly by my family is a fate worse than death. #maverick Ronnie Anne puts Lily in her bed, covers her with her blanket and kisses her forehead. Bobby: Bro, you got the waterworks. While held captive, the unicorn is befriended by Ginrai and Lincoln: an incompetentmagicianin the service of a Mysertious woman. "What's everywhere?" The 6: NOT A THING TO DO!Most of the parents of the kids are then shown. I'll go get the sewing equipment right now.". It wasn't me! It wasn't me! ", Lincoln: "We should build sand castles at the sand box. Before Lincoln takes off, he takes one last look at the house), (Lincoln starts to walk down the footpath, as tears begin to form in his eyes once again. I say we do ey? They hear the door knob move and the door opens, right before they broke apart from the hug. I have to hide somewhere! Lincoln asked. Family comes first. Darcy: [shocked] You have a girlfriend!? They arrive at the park. Guess we'll have to hang out another time. Ronnie Anne: "Yeah, my mom taught me not too long ago. Luan: Well, what about Ronnie Anne? When we get home, you are in for a time out!". I just felt so (sniffs) so (Tears come down Lincoln's face, then Ronnie Anne comes out from behind Bobby and hugs Lincoln, tighter than she had ever done before). Lynn: Guess he wasn't much of a 'superhero' today wasn't he? Lisa: I think she's trying to tell us something. I'll be here in a short while anyway! Lana: I've read all of those already. Are you sure this is a good idea? Ace Savvy: Ahh, someone has courage! They sure didn't miss me then, so why would they miss me now? Bobby: No? #ronnieanne loudhouse, japan, leniloud. Bobby ran after her, worried. Lily smiles at what Ronnie Anne just said. #old Lincoln Loud is the oldest of the Loud siblings but at the age of 11 saw something he shouldn't have and runs away he returns 9 years later a changed man haven seen much of the world through . (Lincoln rubs his eyes, then slowly smiles at Ronnie Anne. Ronnie Anne smirked. 11-year-old Lincoln is in the middle of all of the chaos. Without his sisters. Great job. That's 'no' to peas. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne walk towards him. Then Carol Pingrey came up and who supports him, until her father firmly tells her to never have any more contact with a "Outcast Boy". I hate seeing you like this. (Later, it shows the girls at the front door of Clyde's house. Then the team had no choice but to throw a party, accepting the fact that the land would soon belong to the mavericks. Lincoln then put his arms around her naked body. ", Lincoln: "So what do you want to do next, Lily?". Now go to your room, twerp! (The girls snicker again. You want to babysit Lily with me? We'll come pick you up when we're done, okay sweetie? Lana: Oh man! Lincoln, moved by what's going on, moves over to them and hugs them. Lincoln: (laughs) Come on, let's get ready for bed. ", Ronnie Anne: "Yeah. Ronnie Anne cried, clutching a nasty gash in her arm, "I'm sorry!" Ronnie screamed, her crazy, drunk mother bringing the broken glass down on her hand that protected her face. (breaks down and cries), (Lincoln could then hear Leni crying in Lori's room, and then the other sisters crying from their rooms on the computer. "Ronnie, don't lie!" What you did on Friday was unforgivable, and I felt personally scarred for what happened. You have to go to bed early, without dessert! The brunette female slumped down the wall and covered her face with her hands. The animatronic wasn't supposed to do that! Even if we can't go to Gus' Games n' Grub, this would still be a good way to spend time together. The woman leave with her son. (Suddenly, all the sisters appear in front of him, looking angry). The TV remote was broken, the toilet was clogged, and both of those incidents have something simillar. That wasn't very nice! (A few of the kids giggle at his costume). Its your fault isn't it?! The three arrive back at the house and went inside. See you, Ronnie Anne. Leni: Hey Lori, maybe he's at Bobby's house. We'll show you. Ronnie Anne: You sure miss your brother and sisters don't you. Has she seen Lincoln? He thought he found his phone when he used Lori's phone by mistake. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne stop and turn their heads to see the nine sisters with wide smiles on their faces. [Lincoln sighs, ties his bindle shut, and walks out the door. ", Ronnie Anne: "Yeah, it's not bad actually. Lincoln puts Lily in the carriage and the three head back to the Loud House together. Is he here? He runs inside, and upstairs to his room as he slammed the door). Is he supposed to be hanging out with me and Clyde? Ronnie Anne and Lincoln both arrived at Clyde's home at relatively the same time. Lincoln: Bobby, I need to ask you a favor. However, a shadowy villain is b. Bobby backed a little, shocked on what he just heard. Fanfiction. Have you seen Lincoln anywhere? Lincoln tries to defend her, but is killed by the bull. [Lincoln starts to walk out of the kitchen.]. What if Ronnie Anne suffered a gruesome fate after running from the French-Mex buffet after Lincoln's unintentional hurting of her feelings? You'll give us away, Lily. It is way too early to be talking about that. Just because I did it once, doesn't mean I'll do it again! Ita true. Tell, your mom and brother I said 'hi'.". Luna: If this broken picture proves us anything, is that we hurt Lincoln, and we must feel like monsters to him! Lincoln and Ronnie Anne have been best friends for a long time and have more than a few amazing memories together. Whatever Happened to Lincoln Loud? Ronnie Anne: I wonder if your sisters have found out you ran away yet. But that still doesn't explain why they're called crackers. Let's head back to my house.". ", Rita: "Alright." *Determined* I know we can find our brother someday! Where?". ", Ronnie Anne: "Wow. The pants went down first, then they stopped kissing to take off their shirts. They were named after the minister Sylvester Graham, who invented the recipe in 1829. Lincoln: "Okay. It's not right to take things that isn't yours, okay? Ronnie Anne woke up half dazed as she saw Lincoln's face, still fast asleep. How do we know we can trust you after last time?! The sun was setting, his sisters were behaved, and he was on his way back to his room to read his comics. (As Lincoln is walking to the bathroom, he walks past Bobby's room and sees him talking to Lori on his computer). Lincoln sets Lily on the couch, walks upstairs and goes into Lori and Leni's room. A bunch of mavericks, came out of nowhere and pointed their weapons, random appliances at the lovers, in one medium sized circle. In this episode, Luna gets grounded by her parents for her obnoxiously loud music she plays 24/7, and becomes grumpy and impatient, so her siblings, after being sick and tired of it before that happened, try to help her become less insecure and angry, and also play quieter music. That Blanket means everything to her.". Lincoln: (whispers) "Shhh. That was the only way I knew you'd forgive me for what I did. When we get home, I'll have your blanket fixed up in no time. Stay tuned for the next chapter! Can you invite your other sisters too? We were just-", Leni: "Oh, Lincoln. (Lincoln wakes up to find Ronnie Anne, already dressed, sitting next to him with a plate of bacon and eggs in her hand). Lori knocks on the door, and Bobby answers). "Sorry", Said Lincoln. Now that he is stranded in the Southern part of Chicago, with barely anyone to turn to, and the poli. Please don't tell anyone at school about this.". Ronnie Anne: "Is there any sewing equipment here? Completed. The girls being laughing with Lincoln still blushing in embarassment. Luna was a little shocked. (Lincoln walks up to Bobby and Ronnie Anne) Lincoln: Bobby, thanks for letting me stay here for the past few days. Leni: Maybe you didn't see him because you're bl-. Now Lincoln. The three walk over the little boy. Ronnie Anne: "Oh, I was helping Lincoln watch over Lily. Alright, you win. "Yeah! Where's the milk? Rita: "Alright, You're father and I will be back with your sisters at 5:00. He runs away but was caught by lynn and luna, who were born with these p After all the hate and mistreat at Ronnie Anne's Party, The family mistreat him at The Loud House Disrespectful, Irresponsible, Hateful, Hypocritical, Ignorance, Unfair Special thanks to my beta: funkl3ss Luna opened their door and went out and shut it quickly. Ronnie: Okay then? ", Ronnie Anne: "It's cool, I understand. "Join us", one of them said. Downstairs, we see Ronnie Anne heading to the front door. Hugging me and apologizing to me, won't make the pain in my heart and the thoughts you put into my head go away. Lynn Sr.: (appears behind the girls) Lincoln?! Lincoln looks at his sisters nervously. What happened to the TV Remote?! Rita: Okay girls, I'm gonna go get the van started, can you get Lincoln? But where woul Sonic, a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog, goes to Royal Woods to escape the roboticist tyrant Dr. Eggman, who destroyed the island where he lived. ", Lincoln looks again and takes out mashed bananas, Lincoln: "Come on Lily. Ronalda "Ronnie" Anne Santiago (voiced by Breanna Yde in S1E15B-S3E21 of The Loud House, Izabella Alvarez in S4E1-present of The Loud House and The Casagrandes) is the 11-year-old sister of Bobby, a tough tomboy who enjoys skateboarding, playing video games, and pranks. Don't cry. "I'mgoing to the bathroom." I'm sure we'll find Lincoln! Lily really likes you. (kneels down and starts crying loudly), (Soon, Lynn starts to cry. "My family was attacked and I had to run, never to return", she replied, sobbing. Ronnie Anne blushes when she hears Lincoln call her his girlfriend. Well if it isn't my favorite grandaughters! But this won't be any normal convention, because we get to SEE Ace Savvy himself! Ronnie Anne: "So, what should we do next? Lincoln called out from behind the closed door. ", Lincoln: "Ronnie Anne offered to help me babysit Lily. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne exit the room and close the door. Lori: Even more than when he clogged the toilet with a Princess Pony book! Lincoln and his 10 sisters goes into the future Lincoln had beamed in sorriness at her expression. I was originally going to make only Lincoln's meaner sisters (Lori, Luan, Lynn, Lola, Lisa) give him a hard time, but felt that it wouldn't be as strong. Tell me everything. Hi, Lana. Lola: Yeah! If your mom ever has another baby, and I'm not trying to jinx it, you'd be an awesome big sister. How will the sisters react and will Lincoln be able to stay safe o After being mysteriously kidnapped Lincoln finds himself at the feet of some organization that's creating super soldiers while he gets used as a lab rat for a new experi During a fight with his older sister lori, lincoln's claws come out and he brutally injures her. That was even better than I thought! The closest Lucy did was shed tears down her cheeks. Events from previous episodes, previous fan fictions, and idea episodes mentioned from Lincoln's message such asMaking the Grade,Study Muffin,Making the Case,Heavy Meddle,Brawl in the Family,Cereal Offender,No Such Luck,Sleuth or Consequences,The Sweet Spot(an episode I'm fine with),Lincoln Loud: Girl Guru,In Tents Debate, Trustworthy from YoshiPlayer13, There's an Impostor on The Loose at The Loud House,It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud House(an episode that does have a situation of finding the money from the original owner of the house), and A Plan Gone Bad are mentioned on Lincoln's letter as why he had to run away after years of being treated as a neglected, abused, assaulted outcast. Luna Angrily Yells at Him again and Slams The Door Behind Him Lincoln Just Bursts Into Tears. It was a sunny day in royal woods Lincoln wakes up like always He looks out his window and sees the mailman riding by on his bike. Chapter 5: The Villain Arrives And Reveals Itself, (OLD) The Loud House Lincoln x Ronnie Anne Story. Ronnie Anne: And that's pretty much what happened, Lori and Bobby ended their relationship when Lincoln accidently threw up. Hope you all enjoy it! The end. ", Luna: "Yeah, bro. (Lincoln walks up to Bobby and Ronnie Anne). Lincoln: "Silly Lily. Rita: So while we head to the mall, you can head to your little convention. It will give us a CAVITY if we don't find him! Lisa: Leni, I haven't even experimented on my inventions since Friday. She babble at him, and then starts pulling her blanket, but he stars pulling too. I'm heading back to work soon. Now, the last time I tried to go to a convention, my sisters were acting very jerky towards me for 'clogging the toilet', but I'm sure that won't happen again. I can't wait to beat you at Dance Battle again.". I guess it would taste okay with some chocolate syrup. "Outbreaks of people who call themselves mavericks have been revolting all around the nation!" Said the news anchor. Lana: Hey, Lincoln? Now It was Time For Lincoln to Go Home Ginrai Took Lincoln Into his Truck and Drove Him Home as The sunsets Ginrai Transforms For one Last time He uses his hand to Put Lincoln in his room,Tucks Him In bed and gives Him One Of the comics On Lincoln's Dresser and with That Ginrai Said Goodbye To Lincoln and Transformed once more into his Human Form and Drove off. When Lori's phone rings, she answers it). "The Louds of Oz" - Leni and Charles get caught up in a tornado and end up in the Land of Oz and they try desperately to get back home, on their journey, they meet the Lincrow (Lincoln), who wants a brain, the Tin Girl (Lana), who wants a heart, and the Cowardly Chaz-lion (Chaz), who wants courage. See ya, Ronnie Anne.". Lincoln Loud feels terrible, the recent misunderstandings with his family have made him doubt his value as a Loud, and, if it were no set 5 years in the Future, Lincoln is a 16 year old still living in the Loud House, which gradually downsized overtime. Help yourself. And Soon The team spends a night in a skiing lodge Where Ginrai Lincoln, and the now-human Unicorn were inside Ginari and Lincoln Gave Her a NameLady Amalthea it was time For Bed Ginrai was inHis pajamas Lincoln was in His pajamas andLady Amalthea was Givin a white shirt from Lincoln and Soon The trio went to sleep In the cabin asLady Amalthea quietly sobs In Her Sleep, Back at Royal Woods Everyone was Feeling so Remorse For Calling Lincoln an Outcast Boy But Then Pop-Pop Arrived at the Loud He was disapointed In Rita, Lynn Sr and the Loud Children For Driving Lincoln Away He Told Them To Get Lincoln Back Home Or Else He will call the Police on Them They Agreed to find Lincoln, Back In the Cabin Everything Seem To Be Quiet Until Then Galvatron and The Decepticons Along with The Red Bull Ariived at the wall The Trio manages to Escape as Ginrai transforms Into His Robot Form And Drove Off in a Hurray at the Beach GinraiLady Amalthea and Lincoln Were Safe But Not For Long when the villans Arrived At The Beach Ginrai Manages To Fight The Decepticons and Red Bull AsLady Amalthea and Lincoln hid in a Cave As Lincoln ExplainedLady Amalthea about his problem andLady Amalthea explain their Problem too She Ran into the Cave, Meanwhile The Loud Family Looked for Lincoln They looked Until They Saw Something at the beach Starscream was Orderd by Galvatron to"kick in the afterburners"overtaking the Trio Before Ginrai Draws Out God Bomberand knocking them out with toxic fumes anddeliver a brutal blow that sends them hurtling into the street below, seemingly defeating them once and for all, A blinding flash confirms their downfall before the Red Bull, and Galvatron andhis Decepticons fled off.