I wonder if this was not a romance, but a business arrangement? h3 { font-weight: 400; } Hill, James. For what benefit? Gas Station For Sale In Orange County, News outlets across the world are reporting Jeffrey Epstein's child procuring madam, Ghislaine Maxwell, is married to a man named Scott Borgerson. /* Did you know the TerraMar project was founded by Clinton Foundation and was located in the Lynn De Rothschild property in Manhattan? It is not yet clear if it is the same Scott Borgerson that has been linked to Maxwell - but there is only one man by that name listed in Massachusetts, according to public records. The nonprofit's stated intent, according to tax documents published on ProPublica and reviewed by Business Insider, was "to create a global ocean community to give a voice to the least protected, most ignored part of our planet the high seas." To compensate, from this point both parents went to the opposite extreme and began lavishing affection on their youngest child. Both have submarine bases, AND, Ghislaine Maxwell owns a submarine company. The five years' worth of tax filings note that Maxwell also poured a considerable amount of time into her nonprofit. Maxwell told the gathered diplomats that she'd been "mesmerized by the oceans" since childhood. It wasn't "Jizlaine". " /> CLOWN WORLD: Washington And Lee Universities Must Change Name Cries The WASHINGTON Post. [CDATA[ */ padding: 0 !important; ", So what was this nonprofit up to before its founder's links to Epstein became an proverbial anchor-around-the-neck? The British native is the youngest child of late media mogul Robert Maxwell, who died in 1991 while cruising on the "Lady Ghislaine," a yacht named for his daughter. Thats the goal. Given John Kerry's actions through President Trump's Presidency, it is clear he is part of the shadow government, and is enjoying the freedom and cover these website's provide. What's more interesting, the Terra Mar Project website was hoping to ", engage people with its interactive website, where visitors can claim a, for parents and teachers. "We have a million and a half marine species, and you can select one to be the ambassador to TerraMar and be the spokesperson for that species. ghislaine maxwell owns submarine company. Before It's News is a community of individuals who report on what's going on around them, from all around the world. Later, the lobbyist gave Bidens brother a mortgage loan on the remaining parcels. Maxwell presented at the Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik Iceland in 2013.